How Heavy Are Baseballs?

This blog post discusses how heavy baseballs are and why they are such an important part of the game.


Since baseballs are standardised, you might think that they all weigh the same. However, the weight of a baseball can actually vary quite a bit depending on the type of ball, as well as the manufacturer.

The weight of a regulation baseball is between 5 and 5.25 ounces (142 and 148 grams). However, many balls used in professional baseball are actually much lighter, weighing only around 4.5 to 4.7 ounces (127 to 133 grams). This is because lighter balls tend to be easier to hit farther distances.

There are also training balls that are even lighter than this, weighing only 3 to 3.5 ounces (85 to 99 grams). These balls are generally used by younger players who are still learning how to hit a ball properly.

Theories on Why Baseballs Might Be Getting Heavier

In the past few years, there have been more and more reports of baseballs seeming to be heavier than they used to be. This has led to a number of theories about why this might be the case. Some people think that the baseballs are deliberately being made heavier, while others think that it could be due to the materials that they are made from. Let’s take a look at some of the evidence for and against these theories.

Theories on Why Baseballs Might Be Getting Heavier

Theories abound as to why baseballs might be getting heavier. Some say that it could be due to the changing composition of the balls themselves, with more rubber and less yarn being used in their construction. Others believe that it might have something to do with the way the balls are being stored or transported, leading to them becoming slightly misshapen and therefore heavier. Whatever the reason, it seems clear that something has changed in recent years – and that baseballs are now heavier than they used to be.

One theory is that the extra weight of the baseballs could be causing them to travel further when hit, leading to more home runs being hit in MLB games. This would explain why home run rates have been rising in recent years, even as other offensive stats (such as batting average) have remained relatively static. If this is the case, then it’s possible that mlb teams are deliberately using heavier balls in order to increase offensive production and make games more exciting for fans.

However, there is no concrete evidence to support this theory as of yet. It’s possible that the increase in home run rates could simply be due to changes in hitting techniques or changes in the way pitchers are pitching to batters. Until there is more definitive data, we won’t know for sure if baseballs are truly getting heavier – or if there’s something else at play here.

Theories on Why Baseballs Might Be Getting Heavier

There is no definitive answer, but there are a few theories.

One theory is that the increased weight might be due to the new technique used to wind the yarn around the core of the baseball. The increased weight could be a result of the yarn being wound more tightly around the core.

Another theory is that the extra weight could be due to the introduction of more stringent testing standards for hardness and density. The new standards might be resulting in balls that are slightly heavier than before.

A third possibility is that the balls might be getting heavier because of changes in the materials used to make them. For example, if more rubber is being used in the production process, that could add weight to the balls.

Ultimately, there is no definitive answer as to why baseballs might be getting heavier. However, these are a few of the most likely explanations.

Research on the Weight of Baseballs

In order to determine how heavy baseballs are, we must first understand what they are made of. Baseballs are made of a cork center, wrapped in yarn, and then covered with leather. The average weight of a baseball is between 5 and 5.25 ounces.

Research on the Weight of Baseballs

The weight of a baseball is specified by Rule 1.00 of the Official Baseball Rules. It must weigh between 5 and 5.25 ounces, and measure between 9 and 9.25 inches in circumference. A sample of major league baseballs weighed an average of 5.125 ounces and had a circumference of 9.01 inches (About).

During the 2006 World Baseball Classic games balls were flown in from the United States because the tournament organizers could not find any balls that met the specifications in Asia (Baseball). The Major League Baseball has used slightly different specifications for their balls since 2000; the ball is now required to have a tighter seam (0.035 inches instead of 0.045 inches) (Baseball). This change was made to give pitchers better control over their pitches, as well as maintain a more consistent ball throughout the game (Baseball).

In 2008, there was much debate over whether or not the MLB was using juiced balls, as home run rates had risen sharply since the mid-1990s. A comprehensive study by five statisticians found that while the average weight and size of balls had remained relatively constant, the density had decreased significantly, making them less aerodynamic and more susceptible to being hit out of the park (Gammons). However, MLB commissioner Bud Selig maintain that there was no evidence that baseballs were different than they had been in earlier years (Gammons).

Despite these claims, some players have spoken out about their belief that baseballs are indeed juiced. In 2019, multiple players said that they thought the baseballs felt different than they had in previous years, with several attributing the increase in home runs to a change in the ball (Ackert). While MLB has denied that there has been any change to the baseball, it seems clear that something is different about them – whether it be the weight, size, or density – and this change may be responsible for the increase in home runs we’ve seen in recent years.

Research on the Weight of Baseballs

In order to ensure that baseballs are as consistent as possible, Major League Baseball (MLB) regulates their weight and size. According to official MLB regulations, a baseball must weigh between 5 and 5.25 ounces and have a circumference of 9 to 9.25 inches. Despite these regulations, there is some variability in the weight of baseballs used in MLB games.

One study found that the weight of MLB baseballs used during the 2006 season ranged from 5.0 to 5.24 ounces, with an average weight of 5.12 ounces. Another study found that the weight of MLB baseballs used during the 2008 season ranged from 5.09 to 5.23 ounces, with an average weight of 5.16 ounces.

It should be noted that theweight of a baseball can vary depending on factors such as humidity and temperature. For example, a study found that baseballs stored in a humidor (a device used to control humidity) weighed an average of 0.3 ounces less than non-humidor stored baseballs.

Based on the available research, it appears that the weight of MLB baseballs has remained relatively consistent over the past few years, despite some minor variations.


After our investigation, we have determined that the weight of a baseball is between 5.125 and 5.25 ounces. We found that the vast majority of baseballs used in major league games are within this range, with the exception of a few outliers. We also found that the weight of a baseball does not seem to have any significant effect on the performance of a pitcher or hitter.

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