How Long Did The Longest Baseball Game Last?

How long did the longest baseball game last?
The answer may surprise you.

The Length of the Longest Baseball Game

The longest baseball game lasted 8 hours and 6 minutes, with a total of 33 innings being played. This game was between the Chicago White Sox and the Milwaukee Brewers, and it was played on May 8th, 1984. Let’s take a look at some other interesting facts about this game.

The official length of the game

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the longest baseball game ever played lasted 33 innings and lasted 8 hours and 25 minutes. The game was between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Boston Braves and was played on May 1-2, 1920.

The length of the game according to different sources

According to, the longest professional baseball game lasted 33 innings and was played on May 8, 1984, between the Pawtucket Red Sox and the Rochester Red Wings. The game went a total of eight hours and 25 minutes, with 32 innings played in regulation and one in extra innings.

However, according to an article from mental_floss, the longest professional baseball game ever played was a 26-inning contest between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Boston Braves on May 1, 1920. The game lasted a total of seven hours and 23 minutes.

The Events of the Longest Baseball Game

On April 18th, 1981 the Chicago White Sox took on the Milwaukee Brewers for what would become the longest baseball game in history. The game lasted for 8 hours and 6 minutes, with a total of 25 innings being played. A total of 710 pitches were thrown, and there were a total of 30 runs scored. Let’s take a look at how this game unfolded.

What happened during the game

The longest baseball game in terms of time lasted for 33 innings and lasted for 8 hours and 25 minutes. This game was played between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Boston Braves on May 1st, 1920. The game was played at Ebbets Field and resulted in a 1-1 tie.

There were several interesting events that occurred during this game. In the 23rd inning, both teams ran out of players so they had to resort to using position players as pitchers. In the 26th inning, a rain delay caused the game to be postponed for 18 minutes.

Both teams had several scoring chances throughout the course of the game but they were unable to take advantage of them. In the end, both teams ran out of steam and had to settle for a tie.

How the game ended

The game was called after 32 innings, with the score still tied, 7–7. It had lasted 7 hours and 23 minutes. Despite the game’s length, only 327 pitches were thrown by the two teams combined; both starters pitched the entire game.

The game is notable for several reasons. It is the longest major league baseball game by innings ever played, surpassing a 26-inning contest between the Brooklyn Dodgers and Boston Braves in 1920. It also set a record for the longest professional baseball game by time (seven hours and 23 minutes) which stood until 2006, when a minor league contest lasting eight hours and seven minutes was played in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.

The Aftermath of the Longest Baseball Game

As the players of the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees limped out of Fenway Park early Friday morning, they may have had trouble believing what had transpired over the past seven hours and six minutes. If anyone needed any reminder of just how grueling a baseball game can be, they need only have looked at the state of the famed “Green Monster” in left field.

What happened to the players after the game

It is safe to say that the players were pretty exhausted after the game. Some of them said that they had never played that long before, and they were all feeling it in their muscles. The catcher, who had been hit by a pitch early in the game, was taken to the hospital for X-rays. Thankfully, they came back negative and he was released later that night.

The teams went out for dinner together after the game, and they all agreed that it was a great game – even though it was so long. They also agreed that they would never want to play a game like that again!

What happened to the teams after the game

The Red Sox went on to have one of the most successful seasons in baseball history, winning the World Series. The Cubs, on the other hand, would not make the playoffs that year. In fact, they would not make the playoffs for another 71 years, until finally winning the World Series in 2016.

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