How Long Do NFL Football Games Last?

How long are NFL football games? The answer may surprise you. Check out our blog for all the details.


In general, NFL games last about three hours. However, there are a few factors that can influence the length of an NFL game. For example, if the game goes into overtime, it can last even longer. On average, an NFL game that goes into overtime will last about 3 and a half hours. Another factor that can influence the length of time an NFL game lasts is whether or not there is a lot of scoring. A game with a lot of scoring typically takes longer to play than a game with less scoring.

Length of an NFL Game

NFL games are divided into four quarters, each lasting 15 minutes. In between the second and third quarters, there is a 12-minute break called halftime. If the game is tied at the end of four quarters, then it goes into overtime. The length of an NFL game can vary, but it is typically about 3 hours.

Pre-game show

The pre-game show begins an hour before the game is scheduled to start. This give fans a chance to hear from the coaches and players, as well as see some of the highlights from the previous week’s games.

Commercial breaks

Television timeouts and mandatory commercial breaks add up, making NFL games last about 3 hours. One website tracked the amount of time for each game in the 2014 season and found that, on average, there were 11 minutes and 8 seconds of commercials during NFL broadcasts. That’s nearly a 12-minute difference from the average college football game, which has 23 commercial breaks totaling 98 minutes.

The average NFL game has 60 minutes of play time, which is divided into four 15-minute quarters. There are also two mandatory commercial breaks in each quarter: one 2-minute break after the first or third quarter, and a 2-minute-10-second break at halftime. In addition to these mandatory breaks, there are also television timeouts that stop the clock at designated times in each quarter. These are generally used after a team scores or at the two-minute mark before halftime and the end of the game. All told, there are an average of 31 minutes of commercials during an NFL broadcast, which is nearly 12 minutes more than the average college football game.

Halftime show

The halftime show is a musical performance that takes place during the halftime break of a football game. It is typically twelve minutes long, and is intended to entertain the audience and allow them to take a break from the game. The performers are usually well-known musicians, and the halftime show has become an important part of American culture.

How long is an NFL game?

On average, an NFL game lasts about 3 hours. The game is divided into four quarters, each of which lasts 15 minutes. There is a 12-minute break between the first and second quarters, and a 2-minute break between the third and fourth quarters.

60 minutes of play

A typical NFL football game lasts about 60 minutes of play time. However, there are four quarters in an NFL game, each lasting 15 minutes. So, from start to finish, a typical NFL game would last about 4 hours.

12 minutes of commercials

In an average NFL game, there are about 12 minutes of commercials. That’s about 120 commercials, give or take a few. And that doesn’t even count the time between plays when the networks show replays and other stuff. So if you’re looking at a three-hour broadcast, only about two hours and 24 minutes is actual football.

30 minutes for halftime

An NFL game consists of four 15-minute quarters, with a 12-minute break at halftime. In total, an NFL game lasts about 60 minutes.


In short, NFL football games last about three hours, but there is a lot of time spent between plays. If you take out all the dead time, each play from scrimmage takes an average of just over six seconds. That said, football fans don’t seem to mind the downtime, as the sport continues to be one of the most popular in America.

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