How Long Do NFL Games Last on TV?

How long is an NFL game on TV? It depends on the game. The average NFL game time is 3 hours and 12 minutes, but if you include commercials and timeouts, the game can last up to 4 hours.


On average, NFL games last about 3 hours and 12 minutes, but if you factor in time for commercials and other breaks, the game itself only runs for about 2 hours. That’s still a lot longer than most other sports! NASCAR races, for example, only last about 3 hours on TV. NBA and NHL games last around 2.5 hours on TV, while Major League Baseball games tend to clock in at about 3 hours.

How long is an NFL game?

The average NFL game lasts about three hours, but there is a lot of time spent between plays. If you take away all the time between plays, commercials, and timeouts, the average NFL game would only be about one hour long.

How long is an NFL game on TV?

An NFL game on TV typically lasts about three hours. This includes the time between plays, commercials, and half-time. The actual game play only takes up about eleven minutes of an NFL broadcast!

How long is an NFL game on the radio?

On the radio, an NFL game may last up to 3 hours and 30 minutes.

How long do NFL games last in real time?

NFL games last about three hours in real time, but when you factor in commercials and other breaks, the game ends up lasting closer to four hours. This can be a long time to sit in front of the TV, especially if the game is not close. If you are looking to DVR the game or watch it on demand, you can expect the game to last closer to five hours.

How long is an NFL game in real time?

Most NFL games last around three hours in real time, though they are usually broken up into four quarters of 15 minutes each. However, the game clock stops whenever the ball is not in play, so the actual amount of time that the ball is in play is usually closer to two hours.

How long is an NFL game on the radio in real time?

NFL games are broadcast on the radio in real time, meaning that they last for the same amount of time as they do when televised. NFL games typically last for about three hours, although this can vary depending on the teams involved and other factors such as weather delays.

How long do NFL games last on TV for commercials?

If you are wondering how long NFL games last on TV for commercials, the answer is about an hour and a half. NFL games are about four hours long, but they are broken up into four quarters. Each quarter is about fifteen minutes long, but there are commercials during every break. So, if you add up all of the commercials, they take up about an hour and a half.

How long are NFL games on TV for commercials?

NFL games are typically three hours long, but they can run longer. The average NFL game runs about 3 hours and 12 minutes, not counting commercials. That’s about 60 minutes of actual football, plus another 122 minutes of commercials and other action.

The biggest factor in how long an NFL game lasts is the number of commercials. There are typically more than 100 commercial breaks in a broadcast, totaling anywhere from six to ten minutes. That’s a lot of time for ads!

The other factor that can affect the length of an NFL game is the number of Penalty Flags that are thrown. A typical game has about 11 penalty flags, which can add another five or ten minutes to the game.

So if you’re wondering how long an NFL game lasts on TV, it really depends on the number of commercials and penalties. But on average, you can expect a game to last about three hours and twelve minutes.

How long are NFL games on the radio for commercials?

On average, an NFL game on the radio will last about 3 hours. This includes the time for commercials, which typically account for about 15 minutes of airtime during a game. NFL games on the radio are generally broadcast on a local level, so the length of the game may vary depending on your market.

How long do NFL games last on TV for halftime?

NFL games last about 3 hours on TV, including commercials and halftime. But the game itself is only about 11 minutes. The other two-and-a-half hours are spent on commercials, replays, and other interruptions.

How long are NFL games on TV for halftime?

The average NFL game on TV lasts about three hours, including commercials and other stoppages. But the actual playing time is only about 11 minutes. That’s right: Just 11 minutes of actual action.

How long are NFL games on the radio for halftime?

Generally speaking, an NFL game on the radio will last about 3 hours. This includes a 15-20 minute halftime break. The game itself is typically two hours long, but there are commercials and other breaks that add up to the full 3 hour time slot.

How long do NFL games last on TV in total?

NFL games last a total of 60 minutes on television. This includes a pre-game show, which lasts 30 minutes, and a post-game show, which lasts another 30 minutes. There are also commercials, which typically last about 2 minutes each. So, in total, an NFL game on TV lasts about 60 minutes.

How long are NFL games on TV in total?

The typical NFL game broadcast on television lasts about three hours, from start to finish. That includes the time between kickoff and the final whistle, as well as commercials and other stoppages in play. NFL games are divided into four quarters of 15 minutes each, with a 12-minute break at halftime. But the clock doesn’t run continuously during the game; it stops whenever there is an incomplete pass, a tackle, or a change of possession. So, in reality, NFL games last closer to two and a half hours.

How long are NFL games on the radio in total?

On average, NFL games last about three hours on TV. This includes the time between plays, commercials, and half-time. The actual game play clock only runs for about an hour and a half.


On average, NFL games last about three hours. However, there is a wide range of game lengths, with some lasting closer to two hours and others lasting closer to four hours. Additionally, the length of NFL games has been gradually increasing over time. There are a number of factors that contribute to the length of NFL games, including the number of commercials, the number of replays, and the amount of time between plays.

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