How Long Do NFL Games Usually Last?

How long is an NFL game? The answer may surprise you. Here’s a look at the average length of an NFL game, and how it has changed over time.


Football is one of America’s favorite pastimes, and the National Football League (NFL) is the country’s most popular professional sports league. Millions of fans tune in to watch NFL games every week, and the games are often some of the most-watched television programs of the week.

If you’re new to football or just want to know more about the game, you might be wondering how long NFL games usually last. The answer, unfortunately, is not as simple as you might think.

How long is an NFL game?

NFL games are divided into four quarters, each quarter lasting fifteen minutes. There is a two-minute break between the first and second quarters, and a five-minute break between the second and third quarters. The fourth quarter has no break. There is also a half-time break that lasts twelve minutes. So, in total, an NFL game lasts about three hours.

The length of an NFL game

The average NFL game lasts about 3 hours, but there is considerable variation depending on a number of factors. The most important factor is the type of game. Regular season games are typically shorter than playoff games, which are shorter than the Super Bowl. Other important factors include the number of stoppages (for penalties, injuries, commercial breaks, etc.), weather conditions, and whether or not the game goes into overtime.

On average, regular season NFL games last about 3 hours. Playoff games tend to be about 10 minutes longer, while the Super Bowl is typically about 20 minutes longer than a regular season game. However, there is considerable variation in game length, and some games can last much longer or shorter than these averages.

One of the biggest factors affecting game length is the type of game. Regular season games are typically shorter than playoff games, which are shorter than the Super Bowl. This is because regular season games have fewer stoppages (for penalties, injuries, commercial breaks, etc.), and because there is less time to play in each quarter. Playoff games and the Super Bowl also tend to have more commercials, which adds to the overall length.

Weather conditions can also affect game length. Windy conditions can lead to more passing plays and fewer running plays, which generally results in a longer game. Cold weather can have the opposite effect, as players are less likely to want to stay on the field for long periods of time. Additionally, if a game goes into overtime, this will add additional time onto the overall length.

How long do NFL games last?

The average NFL game lasts about three hours, but there can be significant variation from this. For example, some games may only last two hours, while others can last over four hours. NFL games are typically shorter than other professional sports like baseball or basketball, which can often last over three hours.

There are a number of factors that can influence the length of an NFL game. One is the number of time-outs that each team takes throughout the course of the game. Teams are allowed to call time-outs to stop the clock in certain situations, so if a game has more time-outs it will tend to be longer. Another factor is whether or not the game goes into overtime periods. If a game is tied at the end of regulation time, both teams will get an equal chance to score points in extra periods until one team finally emerges victorious. Overtime periods can add significant time onto the length of a game, sometimes increasing it by an hour or more.

How do NFL games compare to other professional sports leagues?

On average, NFL games last about 3 hours. That’s about an hour shorter than MLB games, and about 20 minutes longer than NBA games. NHL games, on the other hand, can last anywhere from 2.5 to 3.5 hours. So, NFL games are somewhere in the middle as far as professional sports go. But how do they compare to other sports?

How do NFL games compare to NBA games?

The average NFL game lasts about 3 hours, while the average NBA game lasts about 2.5 hours. NFL games are slightly longer than NBA games because there are more timeouts and breaks in the action. NFL games also have a longer halftime, which gives fans a chance to catch their breath and maybe grab another beer before the second half starts.

How do NFL games compare to MLB games?

auctions breakLength = 15 // minutes
official breakLength = 12 // minutes
max number of breaks per game = 6

An NFL game is divided into four quarters, each of which lasts 15 minutes. There is a 12-minute break between the first and second quarters, and a 2-minute break between the third and fourth quarters. In addition, there are two mandatory breaks during each game: a 10-minute halftime break, and a 2-minute warning at the end of the second and fourth quarters. These mandatory breaks are not counted towards the total number of breaks per game.


On average, NFL games last about 3 hours. However, this number can vary greatly depending on a number of factors. First and foremost, the length of an NFL game is largelydependent on how many plays are run. Obviously, the more plays that are run, the longer the game will last. Secondly, the length of an NFL game can be affected by things like weather delays or penalties. Finally, the amount of time between each play also has an effect on game length. In general, the longer each play takes, the longer the game will last.

So there you have it! An average NFL game lasts around 3 hours, but this number can certainly vary depending on a number of different factors.

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