How Long Do Professional Baseball Games Last?

How long do professional baseball games last? This is a question that is often asked by baseball fans. The answer may surprise you.


The length of a professional baseball game has varied widely over the years. Early games were often short, sometimes lasting only an hour or so. Over time, the average length of a game has increased, and today, a typical major league game last around three hours.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the length of a baseball game. One is the number of innings played – early games were typically nine innings long, while today’s games are usually played for seven innings. Another factor is the amount of time between pitches – today’s pitchers often take more time between pitches than their counterparts did in the past. Finally, the number of commercial breaks during a game also add to its overall length.

Despite the fact that baseball games have gotten longer over time, they are still shorter than many other professional sporting events. A typical football game, for example, lasts around three and a half hours, while a basketball game can last up to four hours. As such, baseball remains one of the most concise and fast-paced professional sports out there.

The Length of a Professional Baseball Game Depends on Several Factors

The length of a professional baseball game varies depending on the league, the level of play, the number of innings, and the time of year. In general, Major League Baseball (MLB) games last nine innings, while minor league and spring training games last seven innings. The length of an inning also varies depending on the league.

The Number of Pitching Changes

The number of pitching changes has the most significant impact on game time. A typical game has between 12 and 18 pitchers, although there have been games with as many as 30. The more pitchers there are, the longer the game will last. Other factors that can contribute to the length of a baseball game include the number of hits, errors, walks and stolen bases.

The Number of Home Runs

The number of home runs hit during a game has the biggest impact on game length, averaging about 10 minutes per game. In 2019, the average Major League Baseball game lasted 3 hours and 8 minutes, but games with more home runs averaged closer to 3 hours and 18 minutes.

The Number of Base Runners

The number of base runners has the biggest impact on the length of a baseball game. A singlebase runner will obviously take less time around the bases than a runner on first and secondor first, second, and third. Likewise, a runner on first with no outs will take less timearound the base path than a runner on first with two outs. The more base runners thereare, and the more outs there are, the longer the game will last.

The Weather

One factor that affects the length of a professional baseball game is the weather. If the game is being played in hot weather, the players will tend to get tired more quickly, and the game will likely be shorter. If the game is being played in cold weather, the players will be able to play for a longer period of time before they get tired. Another factor that affects the length of a professional baseball game is the amount of time between innings. If there is a lot of time between innings, the players will have more time to rest and the game will be longer. However, if there is less time between innings, the players will not have as much time to rest and the game will be shorter.

The Average Length of a Professional Baseball Game Has Increased in Recent Years

The average length of a Major League Baseball game has increased in recent years, from 2 hours and 33 minutes in 2014 to a record-high average of 3 hours and 5 minutes in 2019. There are a number of factors that have contributed to the increase in game length, including more time between pitches, more strikeouts, and more home runs. Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors.

The Reasons for the Increase

There are a number of reasons for the increase in the average length of professional baseball games in recent years. One is that the games have become more complicated, with more opportunities for scoring and more innings. Another reason is that pitchers are now allowed to throw more pitches, and batters are taking more time to prepare for their at-bats. Finally, the use of relief pitchers has increased, which also adds to the length of the game.

Despite the increase in average game length, most fans remain dedicated to baseball and continue to enjoy watching their favorite teams compete. In fact, many fans actually prefer longer games as they provide more opportunity to see a variety of players and strategies. Professional baseball games are still a cherished pastime for millions of people around the world.


On average, Major League Baseball games last almost three hours. However, game length can vary widely depending on a number of factors, such as the number of innings played, how quickly each team scores runs, and how often there are breaks in play. The shortest MLB game on record lasted just 51 minutes, while the longest game ever played took nearly five hours to complete. While the average fan may not be able to sit through a five-hour baseball game, there are plenty of ways to make sure you don’t miss a single pitch, such as listening to the radio broadcast or following the action on MLB.TV.

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