How Long Does A Smokies Baseball Game Last?

On average, a Smokies baseball game lasts about three hours. However, the length of the game can vary depending on a number of factors.


Smokies baseball games are nine innings long, just like any other professional baseball game. However, the length of a game can vary depending on how many runs are scored and how long each inning takes. On average, a Smokies baseball game lasts about two and a half hours.

The Length of a Smokies Baseball Game

The average length of a Smokies baseball game is two hours and thirty minutes. This includes the time between innings and between pitching changes. The length of the game can vary depending on how many innings are played and how many batters each team has. The game can also be affected by weather conditions.

The Length of a Smokies Baseball Game Depends on the Innings

A Smokies Baseball game can last anywhere from 2 hours to 3 1/2 hours, depending on the number of innings played. If the game goes into extra innings, it can last even longer! The length of each inning also varies depending on how many runs are scored and how many hits are made.

The Length of a Smokies Baseball Game Also Depends on the Number of Runs

The length of a Smokies baseball game also depends on the number of runs. If the Smokies are behind, the game will obviously be shorter. If the Smokies are winning by a lot, the game will also be shorter since the other team won’t be able to score as much.


In conclusion, a Smokies baseball game generally lasts between 2-3 hours. However, the actual game time may be shorter or longer depending on the number of innings played and the amount of time between innings.

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