How Long Does A Typical NFL Game Last?

How long does a typical NFL game last? It depends on a number of factors, including the type of game and the weather conditions.


The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league consisting of 32 teams, divided equally between the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC). The NFL is one of the four major professional sports leagues in North America, and the highest professional level of American football in the world. NFL games are divided into four quarters, each quarter lasting 15 minutes. If the score is tied at the end of regulation time, the teams play overtime periods of 15 minutes each, until one team scores.

The average length of an NFL game is about 3 hours and 11 minutes, but there is considerable variability. Games that go into overtime can last much longer—on average, about 5 minutes longer per overtime period. The longest NFL game ever played was a playoff game between the Miami Dolphins and New England Patriots that lasted 82 minutes and 11 seconds, including 10 minutes and 3 seconds of overtime.

How long is an NFL game?

The length of an NFL game has increased by about seven minutes over the last decade, but the average game is still about three hours long. There are several factors that contribute to the length of an NFL game, including the number of commercials, the number of plays, and the amount of time between plays. Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors.

The length of an NFL game

Although there are variations in game time from one NFL game to another, the typical length of an NFL game is about 3 hours. This includes a break of about 12 minutes between the first and second halves, as well as other shorter breaks that occur throughout the game.

How long are NFL quarters?

NFL games are divided into four quarters, each lasting 15 minutes. There is a two-minute break between the first and second quarters, and a five-minute break between the third and fourth quarters. halftime* is 20 minutes long.

*Overtime in the NFL is 10 minutes long, with each team receiving one possession. If the score is still tied after both teams have had possession, the game ends in a tie.

How long is halftime in the NFL?

In the NFL, halftime is a brief intermission between the end of the second quarter and the start of the third quarter. The typical halftime break lasts about 12 minutes, but it can be longer or shorter depending on whether or not there is a television timeout.

How long are NFL commercials?

NFL games are typically 3 hours long, but can run longer depending on the number of commercials. NFL commercials are generally 30 seconds long, but can be as long as 60 seconds. There are generally around 20 minutes of commercials in an NFL game.

How many commercials are in an NFL game?

There are a total of 96 commercials in an NFL game, which breaks down to 60 seconds of advertising per minute of play. That includes the pre-game and post-game show, which has about an equal amount of commercials as the game itself.

How long are NFL commercials?

The answer to how long are NFL commercials depends on the game clock and the number of breaks in play. There are generally four 12-minute quarters in an NFL game, but the length of the game can vary depending on things like penalties, timeouts, and injuries. There are also two mandatory break periods during an NFL game: a halftime break that is usually around 15 minutes long, and a 2-minute break between the second and third quarters.

During these mandatory breaks, there are a number of commercials that are shown. The length of these commercials can vary, but they typically range from 30 seconds to 1 minute. There are also a number of other opportunities for businesses to advertise during an NFL game, including sponsorships, signage, and product placement.

How long are NFL timeouts?

The average NFL game lasts about three hours, but if you factor in timeouts and halftime, the game can last closer to four hours. NFL timeouts are each one minute long, and there are 12 minutes of halftime. So, if you do the math, that’s an extra 30 minutes of game time.

How many timeouts are in an NFL game?

In NFL games, each team gets three timeouts per half, plus one additional “bonus” timeout that can be used by either team during the last two minutes of the second quarter or the last five minutes of the fourth quarter. NFL teams can also call for a “hurry-up offense” to save timeouts.

How long are NFL timeouts?

Timeouts in the NFL are usually two minutes long, with the exception of TV timeouts during the first and third quarters, which are one minute long. There are also two-minute overtime periods in the NFL, during which each team is given one timeout.


It is difficult to know for certain how long an average NFL game lasts, as there are a number of factors that can impact the duration of play. However, based on the data that is available, it appears that the average NFL game lasts around 3 hours. This includes time for commercial breaks, half-time, and other delays. Therefore, if you are planning to watch an NFL game, it is recommended that you set aside at least 3 hours in order to avoid missing any of the action.

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