How Long Does An Average Baseball Game Last?

How long does an average baseball game last?
The average baseball game lasts about three hours.

How Long Does An Average Baseball Game Last?


Baseball statistics are often quoted by fans and sportswriters to provide context for the game, player performance, team strength and weakness, and other topics. But baseball games themselves can vary widely in length, depending on a number of factors. The average major league game lasted 2 hours and 54 minutes in 2018, according to That’s up slightly from 2 hours and 53 minutes in 2017 and 2 hours and 52 minutes in 2016.

How long is an average baseball game?

The average Major League Baseball game last around three hours. This is including the time between innings and when the pitcher is warming up. The game itself is only around nine innings long. However, if the game goes into extra innings, it can last even longer.

How long is an average inning?

Inning length has varied throughout baseball history, with a marked increase since the 1970s. The average number of pitches thrown in an inning also increased during this time.

The average length of an inning in Major League Baseball has increased from about 2 minutes in the early days of the sport to over 3 minutes today. If you factor in the time between innings, the average baseball game now lasts well over 3 hours.

Inning length has been slowly but steadily increasing for several decades now. Part of the reason for this is that pitchers are throwing more pitches per inning than they used to. In 1955, the average major league pitcher threw about 93 pitches per game. By 2002, that number had increased to 105 pitches per game.

The other reason for longer innings is simply that there are more batters facing each pitcher now than there used to be. In 1955, the average number of batters faced per inning was 3.58. By 2002, that number had risen to 3.86.

So if you’re wondering how long an average baseball game lasts, it’s generally somewhere around 3 hours (give or take a few minutes). But if you want to know how long an average inning lasts, it’s now just under 4 minutes (again, give or take a few seconds).

How many innings are in a typical game?

A baseball game is made up of innings, and each team has a turn at bat during each inning. An inning is complete when both teams have had their turn at bat and the fielding team has recorded three outs. In a regulation game, there are nine innings, and the team with the most runs after nine innings is the winner.

The number of innings in a game can vary depending on the circumstances. If a team is ahead by a large margin, the losing team may concede defeat and not bother batting in the bottom half of the ninth inning. This is called a mercy rule, and it prevents games from dragging on when one team is clearly better than the other. In college and high school games, there is also a limit on the number of innings that can be played in one day, so if a game isn’t finished after nine innings, it will continue at another time.

Why do baseball games take so long?

The average baseball game lasts about three hours, but why does it take so long? There are a number of reasons. First, there are nine innings in a regulation game, and each team gets to bat until three outs are made. That means there can be a lot of plate appearances and at-bats in a game. Second, there are often a lot of pitching changes in a game.

The time between pitches

One of the reasons baseball games take so long is the time between pitches. The average time between pitches is about 24 seconds, but it can vary depending on the pitcher and the situation. A pitcher who throws a lot of strikes will have a shorter time between pitches, while a pitcher who walks a lot of batters will have a longer time between pitches.

Another reason baseball games take so long is that there are often many changes in possession during the course of the game. There are three outs in each inning, and each team gets to bat until they make three outs. This means that there can be a lot of downtime between innings, and this can add up over the course of a game.

Finally, baseball games are played at a leisurely pace compared to other sports. There is no clock in baseball, so teams can take as much time as they want between pitches and between innings. This can make for a very long game, especially if both teams are taking their time.

The time between innings

One of the reasons baseball games take so long is the time between innings. There is a two-minute break between innings, which may not seem like much, but it can add up over the course of a game. In addition, there are often commercial breaks between innings, which can add even more time to the length of a game.

How can baseball speed up its games?

The average major league baseball game last about three hours. This is too long! How can baseballspeed up its games? Pitching changes and commercial breaks add a lot of time to the game. Let’s take a look at some other ways to speed up baseball games.

Reducing the time between pitches

At the root of the problem is the fact that, on average, there are about 21 seconds between pitches, according to Baseball Prospectus. That may not seem like a lot of time, but when you consider that there are only about 60 seconds between commercials, it starts to add up. A three-hour game has about 180 commercial breaks; if you removed just 21 seconds from each of those breaks, you could end up shaving 15 minutes off the game’s overall running time.

There are a number of ways to speed up the time between pitches, and most of them involve changes to the way pitchers work. For example, requiring pitchers to throw within 12 seconds of receiving the ball would cut down on the amount of time they have to think about their next pitch. Another possibility is limiting the number of times a pitcher can leave the mound during an inning. This would prevent delays caused by pitchers going to their team’s dugout to consult with coaches or fellow players.

Other potential changes include banning intentional walks (which add an extra minute or two to a game) and adopting a rule used in minor league baseball, where each team gets one “time out” per inning that can be used to discuss strategy with players on the field. These are just a few ideas; there are certainly many others that could be explored in an effort to speed up baseball games.

Reducing the time between innings

One way to speed up baseball games would be to reduce the time between innings. Inning breaks currently last about 2 minutes and 20 seconds, but they could be shortened to 2 minutes without affecting the game too much. This would save about 12 minutes per game. Another way to speed up the game would be to have a “pitch clock”, which would limit the amount of time a pitcher has to throw a pitch. This would save about 5 minutes per game.


On average, a baseball game lasts about two and a half hours. Of course, there are variables that can affect the length of the game, such as how many innings are played and how long each inning lasts. The amount of time between pitches can also play a role in game length. However, on average, a baseball game will last about 150 minutes.

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