How Long Does the NBA’s Covid Protocol Last?

The NBA has released its health and safety protocols for the upcoming season. Here’s everything you need to know, including how long the Covid protocol lasts.


The NBA has a strict protocol in place for players and staff who test positive for Covid-19. The protocol includes aself-isolation period, followed by a return to play process that includes several steps. The duration of the protocol depends on the individual’s symptoms and health status. Players and staff who test positive are monitored closely by team medical staff and the NBA’s own Covid-19 medical advisors.

What is the NBA’s Covid Protocol?

The NBA has a strict Covid protocol in place for the 2020-2021 season. All players and staff must test negative for Covid-19 before they are allowed to enter the bubble. Once in the bubble, they must stay there and follow all the rules or they will be removed. The Covid protocol lasts the entire season.

The NBA’s Quarantine Protocol

The NBA has a strict quarantine protocol in place for players who test positive for Covid-19. Players must isolate for at least 10 days and are not allowed to return to play until they have tested negative for the virus.

Players who test positive are also required to undergo daily cardiac monitoring and remain symptom-free for at least 48 hours before they can be cleared to return to play. The NBA says that it is working closely with team doctors to ensure that players are safe to return to the court.

The league has not released any plans for how it will deal with players who test positive during the season, but it is expected that they will follow the same protocol as they did during the preseason.

The NBA’s Return-to-Play Protocol

The NBA has released its long-awaited return-to-play protocol, which details how the league plans to restart the 2019-20 season amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

The protocol, which was approved by the NBA’s Board of Governors on Thursday, calls for a 30-day training camp period followed by an eight-game regular season. The playoffs will then begin as scheduled on April 18.

The league has also implemented a number of health and safety measures, including daily testing for all players and staff, mandatory quarantining for anyone who tests positive for Covid-19, and the use of private jets and charter flights to minimize contact between teams.

In addition, all players and staff will be required to wear masks at all times while inside team facilities, and there will be strict limits on group gatherings. Players will also be given the option to remain in their home markets during the season if they so choose.

How long does the NBA’s Covid Protocol Last?

The NBA has a strict set of protocols that must be followed in order to ensure the safety of the players and staff. These protocols are in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The protocols include a mandatory 14-day quarantine for all players and staff.

The NBA’s Quarantine Protocol

The NBA has a strict quarantine protocol in place to protect players and staff from the Covid-19 virus. All players and staff must quarantine for a period of seven days before entering the team’s facilities. During this time, they will be tested for the virus daily. If they test positive, they will be removed from the team’s facilities and placed in a isolation hotel.

The NBA’s Return-to-Play Protocol

The National Basketball Association’s return-to-play protocol is a set of guidelines and regulations that govern how teams and players must conduct themselves in order to minimize the risk of contracting and spreading the Covid-19 virus. The protocol includes a number of measures, including regular testing, social distancing, and the use of face coverings. It is unclear how long the protocol will last, as it is subject to change based on the evolving nature of the pandemic.


Based on the information that is currently available, it appears that the NBA’s Covid protocol will last for at least two weeks. This is due to the fact that the protocol requires players to quarantine for at least seven days, and then they will need to be symptom-free for at least an additional three days before they can return to activity. Therefore, it is likely that the protocol will last for at least ten days, and possibly longer depending on how quickly players are able to recover.

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