How Long Does NFL Free Agency Last?

How long does NFL free agency last? Here’s everything you need to know about the NFL’s free agency period, including key dates and deadlines.


March Madness is in full swing and everyone’s thoughts are on the upcoming NFL Draft. But as we all know, the NFL Draft is not the only way that teams can improve their rosters. Free agency is also a crucial time for teams to fill needs and get better. But how long does NFL free agency last?

The start of NFL free agency is typically the first week of March, right after the conclusion of the NFL Combine. The official start date of free agency is set by the NFL, but it usually falls within a few days of March 7. From there, teams have until mid-April to sign players to contracts.

Once free agency starts, there is a brief window in which teams can only sign their own free agents. This period lasts for two days and is known as the “legal tampering period.” During this time, teams can negotiate with the agents of players who are set to become free agents, but they cannot formally sign them to contracts.

After the legal tampering period ends, free agency officially begins and teams can sign any free agent they choose (assuming they have the salary cap space to do so). Typically, the biggest signings happen in the first few days of free agency, as teams vie for the services of the top players on the market. However, there are often still some quality players available later in free agency, so it’s important for teams not to panic if they don’t land their top targets right away.

One key thing to remember about NFL free agency is that it is not open-ended. Once a team signs a player to a contract, that player is not eligible to be signed by another team for six months. So if a team wants to sign a player early in free agency, they need to be sure that he is worth committing to for half a year.

Another important thing to note about NFL free agency is that it typically doesn’t last very long. The biggest signings usually happen within the first week or two and then things start to slow down considerably after that. By May or June, most of the top players will have already been signed and most teams will have turned their attention towards preparing for training camp and the upcoming season.

What is NFL Free Agency?

NFL free agency is a system in the National Football League (NFL) that allows professional football teams to negotiate contracts with eligible football players. It occurs every year, generally starting in late February or early March and continuing through May or early June, right before the start of the NFL Draft.

How Long Does NFL Free Agency Last?

NFL free agency begins on the first day of the new league year, which is typically in early March. Teams are allowed to begin negotiating with free agents on that day, but cannot sign them to contracts until the start of the new league year.

The NFL’s free agency period is one of the most exciting times of the year for fans, as it gives them a chance to see which players their team might be able to add to its roster. However, it can also be a bit confusing, as there are a lot of different rules and regulations that teams have to follow. Let’s take a look at some of the basics of NFL free agency so you can be prepared for when it starts up again.

When does NFL free agency start?

NFL free agency begins on the first day of the new league year, which is typically in early March. Teams are allowed to begin negotiating with free agents on that day, but cannot sign them to contracts until the start of the new league year.

How long does NFL free agency last?

The period of time during which teams can sign unrestricted free agents runs for four weeks, from the start of the new league year until mid-April. During this time, any team can sign any unrestricted free agent without having to give up anything in return to his former team. After this four-week period, restricted and exclusive-rights free agents can still be signed, but teams will have to give up draft picks or other compensation if they want to poach these players from other teams.

Who are some notable NFL free agents this year?

Some of the biggest names who are set to become unrestricted free agents this offseason include quarterbacks Kirk Cousins and Drew Brees, wide receiver Allen Robinson, running back Le’Veon Bell and safety Earl Thomas.

What Happens During NFL Free Agency?

During NFL free agency, teams can sign players to contracts and also release players from their roster. Free agency typically lasts for several weeks after the end of the season. During this period, teams can negotiate with players who are not under contract with any team. These negotiations can lead to signings, trades, or other transactions.

Once free agency begins, the window for signing or trading players generally remains open until late April or early May. However, there is no set time frame for free agency; it can end sooner if all teams have filled their rosters or made the moves they want to make. Additionally, some free agents may not sign with a team until closer to training camp or the start of the regular season.

How Does NFL Free Agency Affect a Team’s Salary Cap?

In the National Football League (NFL), the free agency period begins at the end of each league year. During this time, teams can release players, who then become free agents and can sign with any other team. Free agency also allows teams to sign players whose contracts have expired. The NFL’s free agency period typically lasts for several weeks, or until all teams have used up their salary cap space.

How does NFL free agency affect a team’s salary cap?

When a team signs a free agent, the player’s salary is added to the team’s total payroll for that year. This can impact a team’s salary cap space, as well as their ability to sign other players. For example, if a team signs a high-priced free agent, they may need to make cuts to other players on their roster in order to stay under the salary cap. On the other hand, if a team has been able to clear some salary cap space by releasing players or letting contracts expire, they may be able to sign multiple free agents without having to make any roster cuts.

In addition to impacting a team’s salary cap space, free agency can also have an impact on a team’s competitiveness. By signing key free agents, a team can improve its chances of winning games and competing for championships. On the other hand, if a key player leaves via free agency, it could hurt a team’s chances of success. As such, teams must carefully weigh the risks and rewards of signing or losing key players during the free agency period.

What Happens to Restricted and Unrestricted Free Agents?

The NFL free agency period typically lasts for about a week, during which time teams can agree to new contracts with free agents. However, the period may be shorter or longer depending on the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) in place at the time. During the free agency period, teams can also sign undrafted free agents.

Once the free agency period is over, restricted and unrestricted free agents can still sign with new teams, but their old teams may have the right to match any offers they receive. If a team decides not to match an offer, they may be entitled to compensation from the player’s new team.

What is the Franchise Tag?

In order to keep some of their best players from hitting the free agent market, NFL teams can use the franchise tag on them. The franchise tag is a one-year contract that pays the player an amount equal to the average of the top five salaries at his position, or 120 percent of his previous salary – whichever is greater.

What is the Transition Tag?

The transition tag is a tool that NFL teams can use on impending free agents. It allows teams to offer the player a one-year contract worth the average salary of the top 10 players at his position, or 120 percent of his previous year’s salary — whichever is greater. The player can sign an offer sheet with another team, but the original team has the right to match the offer and keep him. If it doesn’t match, it receives no compensation.

How Do Free Agents Sign with a New Team?

How Do Free Agents Sign with a New Team?

The process begins when a team extends a “qualifying” or “non-exclusive” offer to the player. This is a one-year contract worth the average of the top five salaries at the player’s position, or 120 percent of the player’s salary from the previous year, whichever is greater. The player can accept this offer, but can also negotiate with other teams. If the player signs an offer sheet from another team, his original team has seven days to match the offer and keep him. If they choose not to match, they receive draft-choice compensation based on the level of the offer sheet.

If a team extends a “franchise” or “transition” tag to a player, he is effectively given a one-year contract worth either the average of the top five salaries at his position, or 120 percent of his salary from the previous year, whichever is greater. The transition tag can be usedonly if the salary cap increase is greater than 10 percent; otherwise, only the franchise tag can be used. The transition tag gives players fewer restrictions in terms of negotiating with other teams, but their original team has right of first refusal — meaning they can match any offer sheet he signs — as well as receive draft-choice compensation if they choose not to match an offer.


NFL free agency is a ever-changing landscape, with new players signing new contracts all the time. The period of free agency usually lasts for about three months, from mid-March to mid-June. However, there are often signings and trades that happen outside of this timeframe. So, if you’re a fan of a certain team, it’s always a good idea to stay up to date on the latest news and rumors.

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