How Long Is A High School Tennis Season?

A high school tennis season typically lasts for around three months. However, the length of the season can vary depending on the level of competition and the amount of rainouts.


A high school tennis season typically lasts for two to three months, depending on the location. In the United States, the season usually starts in late August or early September and concludes in early to mid-November. Some schools may also offer a winter or spring season for tennis.

The Length of a High School Tennis Season

A high school tennis season can be either two or three months long, depending on the division in which the school competes. In most cases, the season begins in early August and runs through late October, or early November. Some schools, however, may choose to compete in a division that has a shorter season.

The Regular Season

A high school tennis season typically runs from August to October for girls and from March to May for boys. Each season is divided into two parts: the regular season and the post-season.

The regular season usually consists of about 8-12 weeks of match play, with teams typically playing 2-3 matches per week. The vast majority of matches are played against other schools in your Conference or District, although some non-conference matches may be scheduled as well. At the end of the regular season, Conference and District tournaments are held to determine which teams will advance to the post-season.

Only a small percentage of teams make it to the post-season, as most states hold single elimination playoffs similar to those in other sports. These tournaments typically last 2-3 weeks, with teams playing multiple matches each week until a state champion is crowned.

The Post-Season

The post-season of a high school tennis season can last anywhere from two weeks to a month, depending on how far a team advances. The post-season consists of the district tournament, the state tournament, and potentially the national tournament. A team must win each tournament in order to advance to the next one.

The district tournament is typically the first week of the post-season. The top four teams in each district advance to the state tournament. The state tournament is typically the second week of the post-season. The top eight teams in each state advance to the national tournament. The national tournament is typically the third or fourth week of the post-season and is single elimination.


A high school tennis season typically lasts about three months, from late August/early September to late October/early November. However, some schools may have shorter or longer seasons depending on their location and weather conditions. In general, though, most high school tennis seasons last around 12 weeks.

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