How Long Is A NFL Football Game?

How long is an NFL football game? The answer may surprise you.


The average NFL football game last about three hours, although games that go into overtime can last much longer. There are four quarters in an NFL game, each lasting 15 minutes. There are also two halves in an NFL game, each lasting 30 minutes. In total, there are 60 minutes of play in an NFL game.

The length of an NFL football game can vary depending on a number of factors, such as how many stoppages there are for things like touchdowns, field goals, and injuries. The average NFL game has about 11 minutes of actual play, with the rest of the time being used for things like commercials and timeouts.

The Length of an NFL Football Game

The average NFL football game is about three hours long. This includes the time between plays, commercials, and timeouts. There is a halftime break of about 12 minutes. So, if you’re planning on watching an NFL game, you should plan on setting aside about three hours of your time.

The Length of an NFL Football Game: Pre-Game

The pre-game show for a typical NFL game lasts about two hours. This includes all of the hype and commercials that you see before the game starts. If you’re just trying to watch the football game, you can usually tune in about 30 minutes before kickoff and still catch most of the pre-game show.

The Length of an NFL Football Game: Game Time

An NFL football game is 60 minutes long, broken down into four 15-minute quarters. There is a 12-minute halftime break between the second and third quarters. The clock stops at the end of each play, and starts again when the ball is ready for play.

The Length of an NFL Football Game: Post-Game

An NFL football game is 60 minutes long, but it is divided into four quarters. Each quarter is 15 minutes long. There is a 12-minute break at halftime. If the game is tied at the end of four quarters, then overtime is played.

Overtime in the NFL is 10 minutes long. Each team gets one possession to score. If the game is still tied, then the teams keep playing until one team scores and the other team doesn’t.

How the Length of an NFL Football Game Has Changed Over Time

The average length of an NFL football game has increased over the years. In the past, the average game would last around two hours and thirty minutes. However, as the game has evolved, the average game now lasts around three hours. There are a few reasons for this increase in game length. Let’s take a look at some of the factors that have contributed to this change.

How the Length of an NFL Football Game Has Changed Over Time: Pre-Game

The average length of an NFL football game has changed quite a bit over time. In the early days of the sport, games typically lasted around 60 minutes. However, as the game has evolved and become more complex, the average length of a game has gradually increased.

Nowadays, the average NFL game lasts around three hours. This includes time for pre-game warm-ups, commercials, halftime, and post-game interviews. The actual length of time that the ball is in play is only around 11 minutes!

How the Length of an NFL Football Game Has Changed Over Time: Game Time

The average length of an NFL football game has actually decreased slightly over the past few years. In 2008, the average game lasted 3 hours and 8 minutes, but by 2017 that number had dropped to just under 3 hours. There are a few reasons for this decrease. One is that the NFL has implemented several rules changes designed to speed up the game, such as instituting a play clock after each change of possession and reducing the time allowed for halftime. In addition, TV commercials take up less time during NFL games than they do during other programming, thanks to league deals with networks that allow for more live game action and fewer breaks.

Despite the overall decrease in game length, there is still variation from week to week and even from game to game. The longest NFL game on record lasted 7 hours and 8 minutes, while the shortest lasted just 1 hour and 54 minutes. Overtime games can also add significantly to the length of a contest; in 2017, the average overtime added 14 minutes to the total game time.Weather can also be a factor, as delays caused by lightning or other inclement conditions can add minutes (or even hours) to a game’s duration.

How the Length of an NFL Football Game Has Changed Over Time: Post-Game

The average length of an NFL football game has changed a great deal since the league’s inception in 1920. In the early years of the league, games were often much shorter, sometimes lasting just an hour or less. This began to change in the late 1960s and early 1970s, as the league began to implement new rules designed to increase scoring and offense. As a result, games began to last longer, and by the 1980s, they were typically around three hours in length.

Today, NFL games are still about three hours long on average, though there is some variation from game to game and from team to team. Some factors that can affect game length include the style of play for each team (e.g., a team that runs a lot of plays is likely to have a longer game than one that doesn’t), the number of timeouts each team has, and whether or not there are any injuries or other stoppages in play.

Despite the fact that NFL games have gotten longer over time, they are still shorter than many other sports competitions. For example, a typical Major League Baseball game lasts around three hours, while an NBA game can last up to four hours. So while NFL games may seem lengthy, they are actually quite brief in comparison to other professional sports leagues.


The average NFL football game lasts about three hours, but if you factor in timeouts, commercials and replays, the broadcast ends up being closer to four hours. If you’re watching on TV, you can usually add an additional half hour to that time for pre-game and post-game show. So if you’re planning on spending your Sunday afternoon glued to the TV, be prepared for a long afternoon!

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