How Long Is A NHL Game?

How long is a typical NHL game? The answer may surprise you – find out all the details here!

NHL Game Length

On average, a NHL game is about 60 minutes long. This includes a 20-minute intermission between the 1st and 2nd periods. However, the game clock is stopped whenever there is a stoppage in play (e.g. puck out of play, penalty, goal, etc.). So, the actual playing time is usually less than 60 minutes.

Regulation Time

NHL games are split into three 20-minute periods with intermissions between each period. If the score is tied at the end of regulation time, the game will go into overtime. Overtime is five minutes long for regular season games and seven minutes long for playoff games. If the score is still tied after overtime, the game goes into a shootout.


NHL games are 60 minutes long, but if the game is tied at the end of regulation, then the game will go into overtime. During the regular season, overtime is played for 5 minutes with 3-on-3 hockey. If the game is still tied after overtime, then the game will end in a tie.

During the Stanley Cup playoffs, overtime is 20 minutes long with 4-on-4 hockey. If the game is still tied after overtime, then it will go to a shootout. In a shootout, each team gets three shots. If the score is still tied after three shots, then it becomes a sudden death shootout where each team gets one shot until one team scores and the other doesn’t.

NHL Game Length By Period

The average NHL game is about 60 minutes long, but that time is divided into three periods. The first period is 20 minutes long, the second period is 20 minutes long, and the third period is 20 minutes long. There is a 12-minute intermission between the first and second periods, and a 20-minute intermission between the second and third periods. So, if you’re wondering how long a NHL game is, now you know!

1st Period

NHL games are split into three periods of play. The first period is twenty minutes long, the second period is also twenty minutes long, and the third period is thirty minutes long. There is a fifteen minute intermission between the first and second periods, and a ten minute intermission between the second and third periods. If a game is tied at the end of regulation time, there will be a five minute overtime period. If the game is still tied after overtime, there will be a shootout where each team gets three shots on goal.

2nd Period

The second period in a NHL game is 20 minutes long, just like the first and third periods. If the game is tied after 60 minutes of play, then the game will go into a sudden death overtime period. The overtime period is usually 5 minutes long, but if no one scores during that time, then the game will end in a tie.

3rd Period

The average NHL game is 60 minutes long, divided into three 20-minute periods. If the score is tied at the end of regulation time, the game goes into overtime. Overtime period length varies by league. In the NHL, during the regular season, if the score is still tied after overtime, the game ends in a tie. In the playoffs, however, overtime period are sudden death – meaning, the first team to score during overtime period wins the game.

The length of time between periods varies depending on league and level of play, but is generally around 17 to 18 minutes at the NHL level.

How long is a NHL game?

NHL games are 60 minutes long, divided into three 20-minute periods. If the game is tied at the end of regulation time, there is a five-minute overtime period. If the game is still tied after overtime, the game goes to a shootout.

How long is a NHL game?

An NHL game is 60 minutes long, divided into three 20-minute periods. If the score is tied at the end of regulation time, the game will go into overtime. During the regular season, overtime is five minutes long with four on four play. If the score is still tied after overtime, the game will end in a tie. In the playoffs, overtime is 20 minutes long with five on five play.

How long is overtime in a NHL game?

Overtime in a NHL game is 20 minutes long. If the game is still tied after overtime, then a shootout will decide the winner.

How long are the periods in a NHL game?

NHL games are broken down into three periods of play. Each period is 20 minutes long, with a break in between each period. There is also a 15-minute intermission between the second and third periods. So, in total, a NHL game is about one hour long.

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