How Long Is An NBA Halftime?

How long is an NBA halftime?
It is 12 minutes long.

How Long Is An NBA Halftime?

How long is an NBA halftime?

The length of an NBA halftime typically varies between 12 and 15 minutes, with the home team’s length being dictated by league rules and the away team’s length being at the discretion of the home team. However, there are some circumstances in which the halftime break can be shortened or lengthened.

The most common reason for a shortened halftime is television. When games are televised, there are commercial breaks that must be factored into the broadcast. As such, the halftime break is often shortened to accommodate these breaks.

In the case of a lengthened halftime, it is typically due to an unusual circumstance, such as a lengthy injury timeout or a delay in getting the game officials onto the court.

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