How Long Should Baseball Practice Be?

How long should baseball practice be? This is a question that every baseball coach must answer. The answer, of course, depends on the age and skill level of the team, the time of year, and the goals of the coach.


The length of baseball practice is a highly debated topic among coaches, players, and parents. There is no definitive answer, and the best answer may vary depending on the level of play (e.g., Little League vs. High School). However, there are some expert opinions on how long baseball practice should be.

One common suggestion is that practice should last no longer than 1 hour for younger players (ages 6-8) and 1.5 hours for older players (ages 9-12). This allows enough time for players to learn new skills and refining existing ones, without getting too tired or bored.

Another suggestion is that practice should be based on the “10,000 hour rule” popularized by Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers. This rule suggests that 10,000 hours of deliberate practice are needed to become an expert in anything. For baseball, this would mean practicing for 3 hours per day, 5 days per week, for 10 years! This seems like a lot, but keep in mind that this is just a general guideline – some players may need more or less time to reach their full potential.

At the end of the day, there is no perfect answer for how long baseball practice should be. It will vary depending on the player’s age, skill level, and commitment level. However, most experts agree that shorter practices are better for younger players, and that 3 hours per day is a good amount of time to aim for if you want to become an expert in the sport.

The Case for Longer Practices

The case for longer practices comes down to two things: quality and quantity. In order to get better at anything, you need to do it a lot. And in order to do it a lot, you need to have the time.

The key is to find the sweet spot between the two. Too much time and players will get bored and their minds will wander. Too little time and they won’t have enough opportunity to work on what they need to work on.

The Case for Shorter Practices

Shorter practices might seem like they would be less effective, but in reality, they can be much more beneficial for players. here are a few reasons why:

1. Players are more likely to stay focused for the entire practice if it is shorter.
2. Shorter practices allow for more recovery time between sessions, which is important for player development and injury prevention.
3. In general, players tend to perform better when they are fresh and well-rested, so shorter practices can actually lead to better performance on the field.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you decide to shorten your team’s practice time:

1. Make sure that every player still gets enough reps in all aspects of the game (batting, fielding, pitching, etc.).
2. Use game-like situations as much as possible so that players can learn how to execute inpressure situations.
3. Be prepared to adjust your practice schedule on days when weather or other conditions make it necessary.

What the Research Says

How long should baseball practice be? Researchers have looked at this question and concluded that there is no definitive answer. However, they have suggested that practice times should be based on the age and skill level of the players.

For young players (ages 5-8), practice times should be shorter, around 30 minutes to 1 hour. For older players (ages 9-12), practice times can be increased to 1-2 hours. For very experienced players (ages 13 and up), practice times can be even longer, up to 3 hours.

These recommendations are based on the idea that younger players have shorter attention spans and will get tired quickly, while older and more experienced players can handle longer practices. Ultimately, it is up to the coaches to decide how long practices should be, based on the needs of their team.


After taking all of this information into account, it seems that the ideal length of a baseball practice is around two hours. This gives players enough time to work on all aspects of their game without getting too tired or bored. Of course, this is just a general guideline, and some practices may be shorter or longer depending on the needs of the team.

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