How Long Is Half Time in Football?

How long is half time in football? The answer may surprise you. Read on to find out how long the halftime break is in football games.

How Long Is Half Time in Football?


In American football, the halftime break lasts for 12 minutes. This is the time that is allotted for both teams to change sides of the field, as well as for any adjustments to be made by the coaches. During this break, the teams usually remain in their locker rooms, but they may also come out onto the field to stretch or warm up.

The Length of a Half in Football

In professional and collegiate football, the length of a half is usually about 30 minutes long. However, there are also some football games where the half is only 15 minutes long. The timing of a half in football can be different based on the level of play, so it is important to know how long each half is before you go to a game.

At the professional level, each team has 45 minutes to play in each half. This includes time for stoppages of play like out-of-bounds, first downs, and touchdowns. There is also a 2-minute warning at the end of each half where the clock stops after each play. This gives teams a chance to make a last-ditch effort to score before the half ends.

In college football, each team has 30 minutes to play in each half. Just like in the NFL, there are stoppages of play and a 2-minute warning at the end of each half.

High school football games also have two halves, but they are shorter than both college and professional halves. Each high school team has 12 minutes to play in each half.

Other levels of football may also have different lengths for their halves. For example, flag football games often have shorter halves so that players do not get too tired during the game.

Why the Length of a Half in Football Is Important

In football, the length of the half is important for a number of reasons. First, it allows both teams to have an equal amount of time to score. Second, it allows the officials to review any plays that may have been in question during the game. Lastly, it gives both teams a chance to rest and make any necessary adjustments before the second half begins.

How the Length of a Half in Football Can Be Changed

The length of a half in football can be changed for a number of reasons. The most common reason is that the game clock is stopped when there is an incomplete pass, out of bounds, or a penalty. The game clock also stops when a team scores. For example, if Team A scores a touchdown with two minutes left in the first half, the game clock will be stopped and will start again when Team B gets the ball on their own 20-yard line.

The other reason that the length of a half can be changed is because of television timeouts. If there is a commercial break, the game clock will be stopped and will start again when play resumes.

If there is overtime, the length of the half will be increased to 15 minutes.

The Impact of the Length of a Half in Football on the Game

How long is half time in football? This is a question that often plagues fans and players alike, as the length of a half can have a significant impact on the game.

The average length of a half in football is 45 minutes, but there can be significant variation depending on the league, tournament, or level of play. In professional leagues, halves are typically around 45 minutes long, but in lower levels of play, such as youth leagues or high school football, halves may be shorter, typically around 30 minutes long.

The length of a half can have a significant impact on the game. A shorter half may lead to a more fast-paced and open game, as there will be less time for teams to make strategic adjustments. A longer half may give teams more time to regroup and make necessary changes at halftime.

Ultimately, the decision of how long a half should be is up to the organizers of the game. However, it is important to consider the impact that the length of a half can have on the outcome of the match.


After doing some research, we have come to the conclusion that there is no set answer to this question. The length of half time in football can vary depending on the level of competition, the age of the players, and even the weather conditions. In general, though, half time in football is usually around 15 minutes.

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