How Long Is Half Time In the NFL?

Find out how long half time is in the NFL so you can plan your game day accordingly!


How long is half time in the NFL? This is a question that has been asked by many fans of the game, and it is one that can be difficult to answer. The reason for this is because there is no set amount of time that is set in stone for how long half time should last.

The Length of Half Time in the NFL

The length of half time in the NFL is 12 minutes. This is the time that is allotted for each team to make any adjustments that they feel are necessary and to rest between the two halves of the game. This 12 minute break gives each team opportunity to strategize for the second half of the game.

How long is half time in the NFL?

The average length of an NFL halftime is 12 minutes, though there is some variation from game to game.

In general, NFL halftimes are shorter than those in college football or the Canadian Football League. In both of those leagues, halftimes are 20 minutes long. That extra time allows for longer speeches from coaches and for a wider range of halftime entertainment, such as marching bands.

The shorter length of NFL halftimes is due in part to the fact that there are more commercials during an NFL game than there are during other types of football games. This leaves less time for halftime activities.

NFL halftimes also tend to be shorter than those in other professional sports leagues. In the National Basketball Association, for example, halftimes are 15 minutes long. Major League Baseball has no set length for its halftimes, but they typically last around 10 minutes.

What is the halftime show like in the NFL?

The NFL halftime show is a performance given during the break in between the first and second halves of the Super Bowl. The show has become an integral part of the game, often featuring world-renowned singers and musicians.

In recent years, the halftime show has been used as a platform to address social issues. In 2017, Lady Gaga used her performance to call for unity, while Justin Timberlake was criticized for his insensitive tribute to Prince.

What is the halftime show like in the NFL? The answer may surprise you – it’s actually a performance given during the break in between the first and second halves of the Super Bowl. The show has become an integral part of the game, often featuring world-renowned singers and musicians.

In recent years, the halftime show has been used as a platform to address social issues. In 2017, Lady Gaga used her performance to call for unity, while Justin Timberlake was criticized for his insensitive tribute to Prince.

The Length of Half Time in Other Football Leagues

The length of half time in the NFL is 12 minutes. However, the length of half time can differ in other football leagues. In college football, for instance, the length of half time is 15 minutes. Canadian football also has a longer half time than the NFL, with 20 minutes being the standard.

How long is half time in the CFL?

In the Canadian Football League (CFL), the length of half-time is 20 minutes.

How long is half time in college football?

In college football, the length of halftime is usually 15 minutes. However, there are some exceptions. For example, in the Army-Navy game, halftime is usually 30 minutes so that each team can have a longer time to make adjustments.

In general, the length of halftime in college football is about the same as in the NFL. However, there are some differences. In the NFL, there is a 12-minute break between the first and second quarters, and a 2-minute break between the third and fourth quarters. In college football, there is a 10-minute break between the first and second quarters, and a 5-minute break between the third and fourth quarters.


After doing some research, we have come to the conclusion that half time in the NFL is typically 12 minutes long. This can vary depending on TV timeout schedules and other factors, but 12 minutes is generally the length of half time in an NFL game.

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