How Long Is an NFL Football Game?

How long is an NFL football game? The answer may surprise you!

Length of an NFL Game

The average NFL football game is about 60 minutes long, but there are a few things that can influence the length of the game. For example, if there is a lot of scoring, the game will generally be longer because the teams have to kick extra point for each touchdown. If there are a lot of penalties, this can also add time to the game. In general, NFL games are about an hour long, give or take a few minutes.

Length of an NFL game including commercials

The average NFL game lasts about three hours, but most fans would tell you that it feels closer to five. That’s because the typical broadcast is packed with commercials, which can make a three-hour game feel interminable.

Here’s a look at how many commercials there are in an average NFL game, and how long those commercials take up.

On average, there are 60 commercial breaks in an NFL game, totaling around 300 seconds of ads. That’s an hour’s worth of commercials, out of a three-hour broadcast. So if you’re just watching for the football, you’re already losing a third of your viewing time to ads.

But it’s not just the quantity of commercials that makes watching an NFL game on television so frustrating. It’s also the timing of the breaks. For some reason, the networks always seem to put the most important play of the game right in the middle of a commercial break.

Length of an NFL game without commercials

The average length of an NFL football game without commercials is about 3 hours. This includes the time between plays, which is about 40 seconds, and the time between possessions, which is about 2 minutes. The total length of commercials during an NFL game is about 8 minutes.

Factors That Affect the Length of an NFL Game

The length of an NFL game can vary depending on a number of factors. The most significant factor is the number of possessions each team has. The more possessions a team has, the longer the game will be. Other factors that can affect the length of an NFL game are the number of penalties, the number of first downs, and the type of plays being run.

Number of plays

The average NFL game has between 100 and 150 plays, depending on how many passes are thrown. The record for the most plays in a game is 205, set in 1971 when the Miami Dolphins played the Kansas City Chiefs. The fewest number of plays in an NFL game took place in 1943, when the Detroit Lions and New York Giants had just 46 total plays.


One of the primary factors that can affect the length of an NFL game is the number of timeouts each team takes. Each team is allowed three timeouts per half, so if both teams use all of their timeouts, that can add quite a bit of time to the game clock. Additionally, if a team is trailing late in the game and they used all of their timeouts earlier, they may elect to take a “quick” timeout to stop the clock and preserve as much time as possible.


Injuries are one of the most common reasons for delays in an NFL game. In fact, statistics show that there are an average of 12 injuries per week in the NFL. That’s a lot of injuries that can potentially slow down the game. Other factors that can affect the length of a football game include weather conditions, penalties, and timeouts.


Penalties are inevitable in any football game, but they can have a significant impact on the length of the game. In the NFL, each team is allowed one timeout per half, so if a game is bogged down by penalties, it can lengthen the game significantly. In addition, if a team is penalized for a particularly serious infraction (such as a personal foul), they may be subject to a “no-yards” rule, which prevents them from gaining any ground on the ensuing play.

How Does the Length of an NFL Game Compare to Other Football Leagues?

Football fans always want to know how long their game will last. The average NFL game lasts about three hours, but there can be a lot of variation. For example, the length of an NFL game depends on how many timeouts are called, whether there are any injuries, and how long the halftime show is. In comparison, CFL games last about two and a half hours, and Arena Football games last about two hours.


The National Football League (NFL) is the professional American football league in the United States, and the CFL is its Canadian counterpart. There are significant differences between the two leagues, including game duration.

An NFL game consists of four quarters, each 15 minutes long. There is a 12-minute break at halftime, and also two-minute breaks at the end of the first and third quarters. That makes for a total game time of 60 minutes.

In contrast, a CFL game consists of three 20-minute quarters, with no breaks between quarters. There is a 20-minute break at halftime, making for a total game time of 60 minutes.

So while NFL games are divided into four quarters, CFL games are divided into three quarters. This means that NFL games are generally longer than CFL games, by about 15 minutes.

CFL games may be shorter than NFL games, but they are still plenty exciting! And with fewer stoppages in play, fans of the CFL often find that they can get more action out of a 60-minute game than they can out of an 80-minute NFL game.


In the NFL, each game is 60 minutes long, divided into four quarters. There is a 15-minute halftime break between the second and third quarters. If the game is tied at the end of regulation, there will be a 15-minute overtime period. The overtime period is played in sudden death format, meaning the first team to score wins the game

NFL vs. college football

When it comes to professional football, the National Football League (NFL) is the king of them all. But how long are NFL games compared to college football games?

The average NFL game lasts about three hours, while the average college football game runs about four hours. That’s a difference of one hour, or 20 percent.

There are a few reasons for this discrepancy. One is that the NFL play clock is only 40 seconds, while the college play clock is 25 seconds. This means that there are more plays in an NFL game, and thus more stoppages of play.

Another reason is that NFL teams have mandatorytv timeoutsbuilt into their contracts with broadcasters. These mandatory timeouts occur at least once in every quarter and typically last two minutes each. In college football, there are no such mandatory timeouts, though there are oftencommercial breaks that stop the action.

Finally, whereas NFL games are divided into four 15-minute quarters, college football games are divided into two halves of 30 minutes each. This means that there are more opportunities for teams to score in college football games, which can add to their duration.

How Does the Length of an NFL Game Affect the Viewership?

The average NFL game lasts about 3 hours, but the length of the game can vary depending on several factors. Some viewers may be turned off by a longer game, thinking that it’s too time-consuming. On the other hand, a shorter game may not give viewers enough time to get invested in the game. So, how does the length of an NFL game affect the viewership?


How does the length of an NFL game affect the viewership?

The average length of an NFL game is 3 hours and 12 minutes, but the time it takes to play a football game can vary depending on a number of factors. For example, the turnovers, number of penalties, and amount of timeouts all play a role in extending the duration of a game. The average NFL game consists of 111.6 offensive plays and takes 2 hours and 53 minutes to complete.

While most fans don’t want to see their favorite team’s games end up as a blowout, the close games tend to be more exciting and generate better ratings. In fact, studies have shown that close games result in higher television ratings. The 2014 season had an average rating of 8.4, which was the highest since 2010. In addition, the 2014 season saw an increase in viewership for primetime games by 5%.

It’s also worth noting that certain markets are more interested in football than others. For example, New Orleans has the highest ratings for NFL games, while San Francisco has the lowest. This is likely due in part to the success of each team in recent years, as well as the popularity of college football in certain regions.

Ad revenue

The average NFL game lasts about 3 hours and 12 minutes, including commercials and other breaks. That’s up from about 2 hours and 54 minutes in 2017, according to the Wall Street Journal. But even with the extra time, the league is still struggling to keep viewers engaged.

Live sports are one of the last remaining forms of appointment television, but that doesn’t mean people want to spend even more time watching them. In fact, the NFL’s ratings have been declining for years, and 2017 was no different. An average of 14.9 million people watched NFL games last season, down 9% from 2016, according to Nielsen.

The NFL has responded by trying to speed up games and limit commercial breaks, but that hasn’t been enough to stem the decline. One of the major problems is that there are too many ads during games, which makes them feel even longer. According to Nielsen, there were an average of 63 commercials during NFL games in 2017, up from 60 in 2015. That’s a lot of time for viewers to change the channel or head to the fridge for a snack.

The league is also facing competition from other live entertainment options, such as streaming services like Netflix (NFLX) and Amazon (AMZN) Prime Video. And then there’s the rise of digital platforms like YouTube (GOOG), which offer alternative ways to watch highlights and other segments from games.

How Does the Length of an NFL Game Affect the Players?

The average NFL football game is about three hours long, but there are a lot of factors that can affect the length of the game. The time of day, weather conditions, and how well the teams are playing can all affect the game time. Let’s take a look at how the length of an NFL game can affect the players.


Injuries are a common occurrence in any sport, but they seem to happen more often in football than other sports. This is likely due to the fact that football is a contact sport and players are constantly hitting each other. The length of the game also plays a role in the number of injuries that occur. The longer the game, the more time there is for players to get hurt.

The average NFL game lasts about three hours, but some games can go longer if there are overtime periods or other delays. This can be a long time for players to be on the field, and it can take a toll on their bodies. Players have to be careful not to overdo it and to make sure they stay hydrated throughout the game. Otherwise, they could end up with cramps or other serious injuries.

It’s important to note that not all injuries are caused by the length of the game. Some injuries occur because of accidents or bad luck. However, it’s safe to say that the longer the game, the greater the risk of injury for all players involved.


football players are at an increased risk of injury during the course of a game. A study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine found that the average number of injuries per NFL game has increased over the past decade, and that fatigue is a significant factor.

The study looked at data from 2001 to 2010, and found that there were an average of 6.8 injuries per game in the first half of games, and 7.6 injuries per game in the second half. The researchers believe that this is due to players becoming more fatigued as the game goes on.

Fatigue can lead to a number of problems for football players, including:

– Muscles becoming more relaxed, which can lead to strains and pulls
– Joints becoming more lax, which can increase the risk of joint pain or dislocation
– Nerves becoming less responsive, which can cause passes or tackles to be missed
– Reaction time slowing down, which can lead to players being late to react to plays
– Overall decreases in coordination and flexibility


In general, the longer the game, the more time the teams have to strategize. In a 60-minute game, there are possibilities for 100 different plays. If the game goes to overtime, that number increases. The same can be said for a game that goes into double overtime. The longer the game, the more time the teams have to adjust their strategy and go for the win.

In addition, the longer the game, the more rested the players will be. In a 60-minute game, both teams have 30 minutes of possession. If the game goes to overtime, each team will have an opportunity for at least one more drive. In a game that goes into double overtime, each team will have at least two more drives. This gives the players more time to rest between plays and reduces the likelihood of injuries.

The length of an NFL football game can also affect how well the teams play. In a 60-minute game, both teams have ample time to warm up and get into a rhythm. If the game goes to overtime, both teams may be tired and less focused. This can lead to mistakes and missed opportunities.

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