How Long Is NFL Football Halftime?

How long is NFL football halftime? The average NFL halftime show lasts about 15 minutes. However, there is no set time for how long an halftime show can last.

NFL Football Halftime Basics

How long is NFL football halftime?

NFL football halftime is exactly 12 minutes long. This time is strictly regulated by the NFL and is used to allow players and officials to rest and make necessary adjustments. The length of NFL halftimes has been increased and decreased throughout the years, but has been settled at 12 minutes since 2019.

During NFL football halftime, both teams are allowed to have up to three players enter the concussion protocol. These players must be checked by an independent concussion spotter and team medical personnel before being cleared to return to action. If a player is diagnosed with a concussion, he will not be allowed to return to the game.

In addition to managing concussions, halftime is also used as a time for teams to make adjustments to their game plan. Coaches will often use this time to review what worked and didn’t work in the first half, and make changes accordingly. Players will also use halftime as an opportunity to catch their breath, rehydrate and refuel with energy drinks or snacks.

While 12 minutes may not seem like a lot of time, it’s actually plenty of time for players, coaches and officials to rest and make necessary adjustments before going back out on the field for the second half of play.

What happens during NFL football halftime?

While the players are off the field resting and rehydrating, the NFL staff is hard at work making sure everything is ready for the second half. The playing field is inspected and any repairs that need to be made are carried out. The team benches are cleared of any debris and the Gatorade coolers are refilled.

The halftime show is also set up during this time. For major games like the Super Bowl, this can be a huge production involving music stars and elaborate stage sets. For regular season games, it is usually a more low-key affair.

Once everything is ready, the teams return to the field and the second half of the game begins.

NFL Football Halftime Length

How long is NFL football halftime?

The length of an NFL halftime is usually 12 minutes, but it can be as long as 15 minutes if there is a TV timeout.

How does the length of NFL football halftime compare to other sports?

In the NFL, halftime is usually between 12 and 15 minutes long. This is shorter than the halftime break in college football, which is 20 minutes, and much shorter than the halftime break in high school football, which is usually about 30 minutes.

The length of NFL football halftime is also shorter than the halftime breaks in most other professional sports. In basketball, for example, the halftime break is usually about 15 minutes long. In hockey, it is usually about 18 minutes long.

NFL Football Halftime Activities

The average NFL halftime lasts around 12 minutes, but there is a wide range of activities that take place during that time. From player and coach interviews to musical performances, there is a lot that happens during halftime. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular halftime activities.

What happens during NFL football halftime?

At halftime of every NFL game, the home team’s marching band takes the field to perform for the fans in attendance. High school marching bands from around the country also perform at halftime of some games. Professional cheerleading squads often perform as well.

During NFL football halftime, teams usually make offensive and defensive adjustments. Coaches use the break to discuss strategy with their players and make any necessary personnel changes.

What is the halftime show?

The halftime show is a performance by either a musical artist or a band that takes place during the halftime break of an NFL game. The performers usually take the stage for about 12 minutes, and the show is typically followed by a short performance by the marching band of one of the teams.


After doing some research, it seems that the average NFL football halftime is about 12 minutes long. This can vary depending on the game and how long the teams need to review the game film. In general, it seems that most halftimes are about 10-12 minutes long.

How long is NFL football halftime?

The average NFL halftime show lasts around 15 minutes, but can be as long as 30 minutes. Super Bowl halftime shows are usually around 30 minutes long.

What happens during NFL football halftime?

At halftime of every NFL game, both teams head to their locker rooms to rest and make adjustments. Coaches will often go over plays from the first half and decide which ones worked and which ones didn’t. They’ll also make adjustments to their game plan for the second half.

Players will use the time to rest, refuel, and rehydrate. Some will also receive treatment from trainers if they are injured. During halftime, you’ll see players on the sidelines stretching, jogging in place, or taking a knee to stay loose.

The length of NFL halftime is 12 minutes long. This used to be 15 minutes long, but it was shortened in 2020 due to COVID-19 concerns.

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