How Long Is the NHL’s Covid Protocol?

The NHL has released its Covid protocol for the upcoming season. Here’s everything you need to know about how long players will be out if they test positive.


The NHL’s Covid protocol is a complicated and ever-evolving document that is constantly being updated as new information about the virus and its variants becomes available. As of the most recent update on February 28, 2021, the NHL’s Covid protocol states that a player who tests positive for the virus must isolate for at least 10 days and must be cleared by both team and league doctors before returning to play. If a player develops symptoms, he must isolate for at least 24 hours and must be cleared by a team doctor before returning to play.

There are also a number of different quarantine and testing requirements that players must adhere to if they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus. These requirements range from self-quarantine for 14 days to daily testing for up to four weeks.

The NHL’s Covid protocol is subject to change at any time, so it is important for players and teams to keep up-to-date on the latest information.

What is the NHL’s Covid Protocol?

The NHL’s Covid Protocol is a set of guidelines and procedures that have been put in place to help protect players and staff from the Covid-19 virus. The Protocol includes a 14-day quarantine for players and staff who have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus, as well as daily Covid-19 testing for all players and staff.

The Quarantine Period

The NHL’s Covid Protocol includes a mandatory 14-day quarantine period for all players and staff who have been in close contact with an infected person. During this time, they are not allowed to leave their homes or have any contact with other people. They will be tested for the virus every day and will only be allowed to return to action if they test negative for 14 consecutive days.

The Testing Period

The NHL’s Covid Protocol requires all players to undergo a seven-day testing period before they are allowed to participate in practices or games. This is to ensure that all players are healthy and do not have the virus. Players who test positive for the virus during this period will not be allowed to participate in practices or games until they have recovered and been cleared by a doctor.

The Return-To-Play Period

The NHL’s Return-To-Play Protocol is a comprehensive set of policies and procedures designed to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission among players, coaches, staff, and officials. The Protocol includes a wide range of measures, including daily testing, contact tracing, social distancing, and mask-wearing. It also establishes strict limits on travel and group activities. The Return-To-Play Protocol is based on the advice of medical experts and public health officials, and it will be continuously reviewed and updated as needed.

How Long Does Each Period Last?

There are three periods in an NHL game, each lasting 20 minutes. The first and second periods are full length, while the third period is shorter, only lasting 15 minutes. If the game is tied at the end of regulation time, then overtime will be played. Overtime is 5 minutes long, and is sudden death – meaning the first team to score wins the game.

The Quarantine Period

The quarantine period is a minimum of seven days. Players must remain in their hotel rooms for the first three days, during which they will be regularly tested for Covid-19. If they test negative during that time, they can begin skating and working out at team facilities. They will continue to be tested daily.

The Testing Period

The first part of the protocol is the testing period, which lasts for a minimum of seven days. During this time, players must test negative for Covid-19 every day in order to progress to the next stage.

The Return-To-Play Period

The NHL’s return-to-play protocol is a multi-stage process that includes a training camp, exhibition games and the Stanley Cup Qualifiers. The first step of the process is the return-to-play period, which is a 14-day window in which players must report to their team’s facility and undergo daily COVID-19 testing.


In conclusion, the NHL’s covid protocol is very strict and players must follow all the rules in order to be safe and protect others.

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