How Long Is NHL Hockey Intermission?

How long is NHL hockey intermission?
The answer may surprise you.


NHL hockey intermission is a short break between the end of one period and the start of another. The length of NHL hockey intermission is 18 minutes, which is just long enough for the players to take a breather and regroup before getting back out on the ice.

NHL Hockey Intermission Basics

NHL hockey intermission is when the play stops in between periods of the game. This gives the players a chance to rest and the fans a chance to grab a quick snack or use the restroom. Intermission usually lasts around 20 minutes.

Length of Time

NHL intermission time is usually 18 minutes long. However, there are times when the length of time may be different. For example, if a game goes into overtime, the intermission between regulation and overtime will be shorter, usually only about five minutes long.

The purpose of the intermission is to give the players a chance to rest and to go over strategy with their coaches. It also gives the fans a chance to get up and stretch their legs or run to the concession stands.

What Happens During Intermission

NHL hockey intermission is a time when players rest and recuperate while fans take a break from cheering. Intermission typically lasts for about 15 to 20 minutes, but it can be as short as 10 minutes or as long as 30 minutes depending on the game situation.

During intermission, teams typically make substitutions so that players who have been on the ice for long periods of time can rest. If a team is leading by a large margin, they may also choose to keep their best players on the bench during intermission to avoid the risk of injury.

Fans usually use intermission as a time to grab refreshments or use the restroom. Many arenas also have entertainment options such as concession stands, video games, or shops for fans to enjoy during the break.


After doing some research, it looks like the average NHL intermission is about 18 minutes long. This can vary depending on the game, but it seems like this is a pretty good estimate. So if you’re ever curious about how long NHL hockey intermission is, now you know!

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