How Long Is The Average NBA Game?

The average NBA game is 48 minutes long.

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The average NBA game lasts just over two hours, but this can vary depending on a number of factors. The most significant factor is the number of time-outs each team takes. The fewer time-outs, the shorter the game will be. Other factors include the number of free throws, substitutions, and injuries.

NBA games are divided into four quarters, each lasting 12 minutes. There is a halftime break after the second quarter, and a brief break between the other quarters. If a game is tied at the end of regulation time, there will be an overtime period lasting five minutes. If the game is still tied at the end of overtime, there will be a second overtime period, and so on until one team finally emerges victorious.

The Length of an NBA Game

The average NBA game lasts about two and a half hours, but the length of the game can vary depending on a number of factors. These factors can include the number of time-outs, the pace of play, and the number of fouls. The length of the game can also be affected by overtime.


The average NBA game consists of four 12-minute quarters, for a total of 48 minutes of play. However, the game clock is stopped whenever there is a dead ball, so the actual length of an NBA game varies depending on the number of stoppages in play. In addition, the clock is stopped during each team’s last possession of the quarter, meaning that games can often go into overtime if the score is close.

On average, an NBA game lasts around 2 hours and 20 minutes, including pre-game warm-ups and post-game interviews. However, some games can run shorter or longer depending on how quickly each team scores points and how many timeouts are called.


Each team is allowed seven (7) timeouts per game. Four (4) of these timeouts may be used in the first half and three (3) in the second half. No carryover of timeouts is allowed into overtime periods. In the last two (2) minutes of regulation play and/or in any overtime period, each team is permitted one (1) 20-second timeout. No carryover of timeouts is allowed from regulation into overtime.


The average length of an NBA game is 48 minutes, but that doesn’t include halftime. So, if you’re wondering how long is an NBA game with halftime, the answer is that an NBA game with halftime is 60 minutes long.

Halftime in an NBA game is usually around 15 minutes long, give or take a few minutes. That means that the average length of an NBA game with halftime is around 63 minutes.

Of course, the length of an NBA game can vary depending on a number of factors. For example, if there are a lot of fouls called in a game, it will likely be longer than average because each foul shot takes time.

Similarly, if there are a lot of timeouts called in a game, it will also likely be longer than average because each timeout lasts for a minute or two. And lastly, if there are overtime periods in a game, it will obviously be much longer than 63 minutes.

One factor that doesn’t seem to affect the length of an NBA game much is the number of TV timeouts. Even though each TV timeout lasts for 2 minutes and there are usually 4 TV timeouts in each half, they don’t add up to much additional time because the clock continues to run during TV timeouts.


Once the game clock hits zero, the officials will review any plays in question and then head to the scorer’s table to confirm the final score. After that, both teams will line up at center court and shake hands. The post-game show will usually consist of an interview with the game’s MVP, highlights from throughout the game, and a breakdown of key statistics.

Factors That Affect the Length of an NBA Game

There are a few things that affect how long an NBA game will last. The average length of an NBA game is 48 minutes, but there are a few things that can affect that. The first is the number of time-outs. Each team is allowed 7 time-outs per game, and each time-out lasts one minute. So, if there are a lot of time-outs, the game will be longer. Another factor is the number of fouls. If there are a lot of fouls, the game will be longer because each foul results in a free throw, which takes time.

Number of fouls

The number of fouls called has the biggest impact on game length, followed by the number of free throws attempted. In fact, these two variables account for more than 60% of the variation in game length.

There are a few other factors that come into play as well, including the number of timeouts taken and whether or not the game goes into overtime. However, these tend to have a relatively small impact on game length compared to fouls and free throws.

Number of free throws

While the average length of an NBA game has remained fairly consistent over the years, there are a number of factors that can affect the duration of a particular match-up. One of the biggest factors is the number of free throws attempted by both teams.

Over the course of an entire season, the team that averages the most free throws per game will also generally play in the longest games. This is because free throws tend to slow down the pace of play, and games with more free throws will naturally take longer to complete.

Other factors that can influence game length include things like the number of timeouts called, injuries, and even weather conditions. In general, though, the biggest factor will always be the number and frequency of stops in play. The more stoppages there are, the longer the game will take to finish.

Length of timeouts

One of the biggest factors that affect the length of an NBA game is the number and length of timeouts. There are a total of 18 mandatory timeouts in an NBA game, which are evenly distributed throughout the four quarters. These mandatory timeouts include a two-minute break at the end of each quarter, as well as a single minute break at the two-minute mark in each quarter. In addition to these mandatory timeouts, each team is also allotted seven additional timeouts per game, which can be used at any point during regulation.

The average length of an NBA timeout is 1 minute and 8 seconds, but can range anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. The amount of time that teams actually use during a timeout also varies greatly, with some teams using the full allotted time and others using only a portion of it. The actual length of an NBA game is also affected by the amount of time that is spent on commercial breaks. There are four commercial breaks in each quarter, totaling 16 for the entire game, which last approximately 2 minutes each.


Overtime in an NBA game occurs when the score is tied at the end of regulation time. Each team is given five minutes to score as many points as possible. The game ends when one team has more points than the other, even if that team has not reached five minutes. If both teams are still tied after five minutes, the game goes into “sudden death” mode, meaning the first team to score in overtime wins the game.


In conclusion, the average NBA game is about 48 minutes long. This includes the time between play and timeouts. The average length of an NBA game has gone down in recent years, as teams have been scoring more points.

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