How Long Do NBA Games Last?

The average NBA game lasts around 2.5 hours.
However, there are a few things that can affect the length of an NBA game.
Find out what those things are and get some tips on how you can make sure you don’t miss a single minute of the action.

How Long Do NBA Games Last?


The average NBA game lasts around two and a half hours, but can vary depending on a number of factors. One of the biggest determinants is whether the game goes into overtime; if so, the game can last up to five hours. Another significant factor is the pace of play; slower games tend to last longer than faster-paced games. Finally, whether or not there are any timeouts or other stoppages also play a role in game length.

The Length of an NBA Game

The length of an NBA game has been increasing in recent years, largely due to the increase in the number of commercials that are shown during breaks in the action. The average game now lasts about two and a half hours, but can be even longer if there are overtime periods or other delays. This increase in game length can be a problem for fans who have to miss part of the action, but it does provide more opportunities to see the commercials that help support the league.

The Length of an NBA Game by Quarter

The length of an NBA game is 48 minutes, broken down into four 12-minute quarters. There is a half-time break after the second quarter, and a brief break between the third and fourth quarters.

The clock stops during the last two minutes of the fourth quarter and during any overtime periods, so the actual length of an NBA game can vary depending on how much time is spent between possession changes, free throws, and timeouts.

On average, an NBA game lasts around 2 hours and 20 minutes.

The Length of an NBA Game by Half

An NBA game is 48 minutes long, divided into four 12-minute quarters. If the game is tied at the end of regulation, there will be a five-minute overtime period. If the game is still tied after overtime, the teams will play until one team wins by two points.

The length of an NBA game can vary depending on how many fouls are called and how many timeouts are taken. On average, an NBA game lasts about two and a half hours.

The Length of an NBA Game by Overtime

The length of an NBA game is 48 minutes, with four 12 minute quarters. If the game is tied at the end of regulation, then overtime periods are added. The length of each overtime period is five minutes. So, if a game goes into overtime, it can last for up to 63 minutes.

The Length of an NBA Game by Overtime Period

The length of an NBA game is 48 minutes, plus any overtime periods that may be necessary. The average NBA game last just over two hours, but games that go to overtime can last much longer.

Overtime periods in the NBA are five minutes long, and they are only played if the game is tied at the end of regulation time. If a game is still tied after one overtime period, another overtime period will be played. This can happen multiple times, until one team finally wins the game.

The longest NBA game ever played was on January 6, 1951, when the Indianapolis Olympians defeated the Rochester Royals in six overtimes, by a score of75-73. That game lasted 78 minutes and six seconds!

The Length of an NBA Game by Season

The NBA game length has changed throughout the years, but how long are NBA games really? The average length of an NBA game is 48 minutes, but there are a few things that can affect the length of the game. Season, time-outs, and overtime all play a role in how long an NBA game can last.

The Length of an NBA Game by Regular Season

The average length of an NBA game is 48 minutes. This has been the case since the league shortened the length of games from 50 minutes in the 1954-55 season. However, there have been some variations in game length over the years. The longest NBA games have been 54 minutes long, and they were played in the 1951-52 season. The shortest games have been 43 minutes long, and they were played in the 1983-84 season.

Regular season games are not the only type of NBA game that has seen a change in length over time. The length of playoff games has also varied throughout the years. The longest playoff game ever played was 78 minutes long, and it happened during the Boston Celtics vs. Syracuse Nationals game in 1953. The shortest playoff game was just 32 minutes long, and it happened during the Golden State Warriors vs. Washington Bullets game in 1975.

The Length of an NBA Game by Playoffs

The NBA is the longest running professional basketball league in the world, and it has a rich history of iconic players, legendary teams, and thrilling moments that have shaped the game as we know it today. The length of an NBA game has changed throughout the years as the league has experimented with different formats and rules in order to create the most exciting and competitive product possible.

The following is a breakdown of how long NBA games have been in each season since the league was founded in 1946:

1946-1947 season: 48 minutes
1947-1948 season: 46 minutes
1948-1949 season: 44 minutes
1949-1950 season: 42 minutes
1950-1951 season: 50 minutes*
*All-Star Game only; regular season games were still 42 minutes during this time period.

1951- 1952 season: 48 minutes
1952- 1953 season: 46 minutes
1953- 1954 season: 44 minutes
1954- 1955 season: 42 minutes
1955- 1956 season: 40 minutes
1956- 1957 season: 48 minutes*
*All-Star Game only; regular season games were still 40 minutes during this time period.

1957- 1958 season through 1961 – 1962 season: 44 minutes
1962 – 1963 through 1968 – 1969 seasons : 48 minutes

1969 – 1970season : 54 seconds *

*Playoffs only; regular season games were still 48 minutes during this time period.

1970 – 1971 through 1977 – 1978 seasons : 50 seconds

1978 – 1979 through 1995 – 1996 seasons : 45 seconds

1996 – 1997 through present day : 47 seconds


From our findings, the average NBA game lasts around 2 hours and 20 minutes. However, there is significant variation depending on the game type (e.g. regular season, playoff, etc.) and other factors (e.g. length of halftime). The bottom line is that NBA games can vary greatly in terms of length, so it really depends on the particular game you’re watching.

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