How Long Was Lebron James In The Nba?

How long was Lebron James in the NBA?
This question is often asked by fans and curious individuals who want to know more about the famed basketball player.
Lebron James was drafted into the NBA in 2003 and has been playing for the past 17 years.
This means that, as of 2020, Lebron James has been in the NBA for a total of 17 years.

How Long Was Lebron James In The Nba?

LeBron James was drafted by the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2003.

LeBron James was drafted by the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2003. He played for the Cavaliers for seven seasons, before signing with the Miami Heat in 2010. He played for the Heat for four seasons, and then returned to the Cavaliers in 2014. He has played for the Cavaliers ever since. As of 2019, LeBron James has been in the NBA for 16 seasons.

He played for the Cavaliers for 11 seasons.

Lebron James was drafted by the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2003 and played for them for 11 seasons, from 2003 to 2010. He then played for the Miami Heat for four seasons, from 2010 to 2014. He returned to the Cavaliers in 2014 and played for them for another four seasons, from 2014 to 2018. He currently plays for the Los Angeles Lakers.

He then played for the Miami Heat for four seasons.

Lebron James was drafted into the NBA in 2003 by the Cleveland Cavaliers. He played for the Cavaliers for seven seasons before signing with the Miami Heat in 2010. He then played for the Miami Heat for four seasons. In 2014, he opted out of his contract with the Heat and became a free agent. He then signed a two-year contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers, returning to his home team. LeBron James has won three NBA Championships, four NBA MVP Awards, three NBA Finals MVP Awards, and two Olympic gold medals.

He returned to the Cavaliers in 2014 and played for them for five more seasons.

Lebron James played for the Cavaliers from 2003 to 2010, before joining the Miami Heat. He returned to the Cavaliers in 2014 and played for them for five more seasons. James then signed with the Los Angeles Lakers in 2018.

He then played for the Los Angeles Lakers for two seasons.

Lebron James was drafted by the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2003 and played for them until 2010, when he joined the Miami Heat. He then played for the Los Angeles Lakers for two seasons. In 2014, he returned to the Cavaliers, where he has remained since. As of 2021, Lebron James has played 18 seasons in the NBA.

He is currently playing for the Lakers.

Lebron James was drafted by the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2003 and played for them until 2010. He then played for the Miami Heat from 2010 to 2014. He returned to the Cavaliers from 2014 to 2018. He is currently playing for the Los Angeles Lakers.

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