How Many Asians Are In The NFL?

How many Asians are in the NFL? The answer may surprise you – there are currently zero players of Asian descent in the league.

How Many Asians Are In The NFL?

The current state of Asians in the NFL

As of 2019, there are only seven Asians currently playing in the NFL:
-Los Angeles Rams defensive tackle Michael Brockers
-Baltimore Ravens offensive tackle Ronnie Stanley
-New England Patriots cornerback Jason McCourty
-New York Jets linebacker Brandon Copeland
-Miami Dolphins safety Maurice Smith
-Philadelphia Eagles long snapper Rick Lovato
-Tennessee Titans quarterback Marcus Mariota

This is a stark contrast to the NFL’s overall demographics. Asians make up only 1.3 percent of the league, while African Americans make up 70 percent. Of the seven Asian players in the NFL, five are of Polynesian descent.

There has never been an Asian player selected in the first round of the NFL draft, and only two have ever been selected in the second round. The most recent Asian player to be drafted was Eugene Chung, an offensive tackle from Virginia, who was chosen in the 1992 draft by the New England Patriots. He played three seasons in the NFL before retiring in 1995.

The history of Asians in the NFL

Asians have been playing in the National Football League (NFL) since the early 1950s. The first Asian player was Larry Amano, who played for the San Francisco 49ers in 1953. Amano was followed by several other players of Japanese descent, including Mamoru Shinozuka, Gary Yamamoto, and Pete Ogawa. Yamamoto became the first Asian player to start in an NFL game in 1955.

The number of Asians in the NFL increased during the 1960s and 1970s as the league began to draft more players from Pacific Rim countries such as Samoa, Tonga, and Hawaii. These players included Pro Bowlers like Doug Betts, Al Harris, and Rueben Mayes. By the end of the 1970s, there were nearly 20 Asians playing in the NFL.

The 1980s saw a decline in the number of Asians in the league, as only a handful of players were drafted each year. This trend continued into the 1990s, with only a few Asians appearing in NFL games each year. However, this began to change in the late 1990s as more Asians began to enter the league. Players like Olin Kreutz, Hines Ward, and Shawn Lee became household names.

As of 2016, there are approximately 30 Asians playing in the NFL. This is a significant increase from previous years but still represents a small percentage of all NFL players (less than 2%). The majority of Asian players are concentrated on a few teams, such as the Seattle Seahawks (4), San Francisco 49ers (3), and New England Patriots (3).

The future of Asians in the NFL

The future of Asians in the NFL is looking bright. There are currently 10 Asians playing in the NFL, which is the most of any ethnic group. The number of Asian players has doubled since 2010, when there were only five.

The NFL has seen a decline in minority participation over the past few years, but Asians have bucked the trend. In fact, Asians are the only minority group that has seen an increase in participation over the past few years.

There are several reasons for this trend. First, more and more Asians are moving to the United States. According to the Pew Research Center, the Asian-American population has grown by 72 percent since 2000. This growth is being driven by immigration, as well as by high birth rates among Asian-Americans.

Second, Asians are becoming more interested in football. According to a Nielsen survey, 24 percent of all NFL fans are of Asian descent. This is up from just 10 percent in 2006.

Third, the NFL is making a concerted effort to reach out to Asian communities. The league has held fan festivals in Asian-American neighborhoods and has partnered with Asia Broadcast Satellite to televise games in China.

As the Asian-American population continues to grow and become more interested in football, we can expect to see even more Asians playing in the NFL in the years to come.

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