How Many Baseballs Are Used In A World Series Game?

How many baseballs are used in a World Series game? It’s a question that has been asked by many baseball fans. The answer may surprise you.


In a typical Major League Baseball game, each team uses anywhere from two to five dozen baseballs. But in the World Series, that number skyrockets.

According to the official rules of Major League Baseball, each team is required to have at least six dozen baseballs available for use during a game. But in practice, most teams have closer to seven or eight dozen balls available. And for the World Series, teams typically bring even more balls – up to 12 dozen, or 144 balls.

So how many baseballs are actually used during a World Series game? It depends on a number of factors – the length of the game, the number of hits, pitchers who are particularly stingy with giving up hits, etc. But on average, it’s safe to say that anywhere from 60 to 100 baseballs are used during a World Series game.

How many baseballs are used in a World Series game?

It is a common question asked by baseball fans, “How many baseballs are used in a World Series game?” While the answer may seem obvious, the true answer is a little more complicated. The number of baseballs used in a World Series game is determined by a number of factors, including the weather, the number of innings played, and the number of base runners.

How many baseballs are used in a regular season game?

On average, between 70 and 80 baseballs are used in a typical Major League Baseball game, according to the MLB. That number jumps to about 110 in a game played at a high altitude, like in Colorado.

In the postseason, when every pitch matters a little bit more, the number of balls used goes up. During the 2018 World Series, an average of 134 balls were used per game. In the seven-game series between the Boston Red Sox and Los Angeles Dodgers, a total of 929 balls were used.

How many baseballs are used in a playoff game?

In a typical seven-game World Series, approximately 285 baseballs are used. Of those, about 35 are collected as souvenirs by players, umpires, and other personnel. The other 250 balls are either lost in the stands or fouled off by hitters.

Why are so many baseballs used in a World Series game?

Typically, each baseball game uses about 125 baseballs. In the World Series, that number skyrockets. In fact, during the 2017 World Series, an average of 679 baseballs were used per game. Why are so many baseballs used in the World Series?

Weather conditions

In most cases, the umpires will start a game with around six to seven baseballs. They will then monitor the condition of those baseballs throughout the game, swapping them out for new ones when necessary. There are a few different reasons why this might be necessary.

One reason is simply that the balls get too dirty over the course of a game. Pitchers sweat, catcher’s gloves get dirty, and infielders often drag their cleats through the dirt when they field a grounder. All of this dirt and grime can make it difficult for batters to see a clean seam on the ball, so umpires will swap out dirty balls for cleaner ones whenever possible.

Another reason why baseballs get swapped out during a game is because they start to get misshapen. Pitchers throw a lot of curveballs and sliders over the course of a game, and all of that movement can cause the balls to start to unravel. When this happens, umpires will swap out those balls for newer ones that haven’t been used as much.

Finally, weather conditions can also play a role in how often baseballs need to be replaced during a World Series game. If it’s humid out, for example, the balls might start to feel slick and harder to grip. If it’s raining, the balls might get soaked and heavier than normal. In either of these cases, umpires will typically replace the affected baseballs with new ones.

So how many baseballs does an umpire typically use during a World Series game? It depends on the circumstances, but it’s not uncommon for an umpire to go through 10-12 baseballs over the course of nine innings.

The quality of the baseballs

In order for a baseball to be used in a World Series game, it must meet very specific requirements set forth by Major League Baseball. The MLB deems that a baseball used in a World Series game must have an almost-perfect circumference of 9 inches and weigh no more than 5 ounces.

A single MLP-licensed manufacturer, Rawlings Sporting Goods Company, Inc., hand-stitches each baseball used in the World Series. To ensure that each baseball is up to par, between six and seven dozen balls are specifically reserved for each game.

The home team is responsible for supplying the baseballs to the umpires before the start of each game. The away team’s clubhouse attendant also has to bring two dozenballs onto the field so that they can be used if necessary.


The short answer is that, on average, between 70 and 80 baseballs are used in a typical World Series game. However, there are a number of factors that can affect this number, including the number of innings played and the number of foul balls hit.

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