How Many Black WWE Champions?

A look at how many black WWE Champions there have been in the company’s history.

How Many Black WWE Champions?

The WWE has a long history of racism

The WWE has a long and well-documented history of racism. This is most apparent in their lack of black WWE Champions. Out of the WWE’s 52 Champions, only 6 have been black. This is an abysmal number considering that black wrestlers make up a large portion of the WWE’s roster.

The WWE has been accused of racism many times

The WWE has come under fire multiple times for racist elements in its programming. In 1985, the company was forced to change the name of its “World Bodybuilding Federation” division after accusations that the name was racist. In 1998, the company was accused of racial insensitivity for a storyline in which WWE Chairman Vince McMahon was revealed to be the father of boxer Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, who is black. In 2012, the company was again accused of racism for a booking decision that saw black wrestler The Big Show lose a match to white wrestler John Cena.

The WWE has a long history of using blackface

The WWE has been accused of racism many times throughout its history. One of the most controversial examples is the use of blackface by its wrestlers and employees.

Blackface is a form of theatrical make-up used to represent a black person. It was popularized in the 1800s by white performers who would paint their faces black and mimic racial stereotypes for entertainment purposes.

While blackface is now universally considered to be offensive, the WWE has continued to use it on multiple occasions. In 2015, wrestler Hulk Hogan was caught on tape using racist language, and it was revealed that he had previously used blackface on at least one occasion.

In 2018, wrestler Hunter Hurst Helmsley ( Triple H) was photographed in blackface as part of a costume he was wearing for Halloween. WWE employee Booker T also spoke out against the company’s use of blackface, saying that it was “disrespectful” and “offensive.”

Despite the backlash, the WWE has continued to use blackface on occasion. Most recently, in 2019, wrestler R-Truth was shown in a backstage segment wearing blackface as part of a disguise.

The WWE has not responded to repeated requests for comment on this issue.

There have been very few black WWE Champions

There have been very few black WWE Champions in the history of the company. The first black WWE Champion was The Rock, who won the title in 1998. The second black WWE Champion was Booker T, who won the title in 2006. There have been no other black WWE Champions since then.

There have been only six black WWE Champions

There have been only six black WWE Champions in the company’s history. The first was The Rock, who won the WWE Championship in 1998. The second was Booker T, who won the World Heavyweight Championship in 2006. The third was Mark Henry, who won the World Heavyweight Championship in 2011. The fourth was The Big Show, who won the WWE Championship in 2014. The fifth was Seth Rollins, who won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in 2015. And finally, the sixth and most recent black WWE Champion is Kofi Kingston, who won the WWE Championship in 2019.

The first black WWE Champion was The Rock

The first black WWE Champion was The Rock, who won the WWE Championship in 1998. There have been very few black WWE Champions since then. The most recent black WWE Champion is Booker T, who won the World Heavyweight Championship in 2006.

The WWE has been slowly becoming more diverse

The WWE has been slowly becoming more diverse over the years. While it still has a long way to go, the company has made strides in recent years in terms of the number of black WWE Champions. As of right now, there have been a total of six black WWE Champions. Let’s take a look at each one.

The WWE has been hiring more black wrestlers

In recent years, the WWE has been slowly becoming more diverse. While the company has been hiring more black wrestlers, there are still only a handful of black WWE Champions.

The first black WWE Champion was The Rock, who won the title in 1998. Since then, there have only been a handful of other black WWE Champions. The most recent black WWE Champion is Kofi Kingston, who won the title in 2019.

While the WWE has been hiring more black wrestlers, there are still only a handful of black WWE Champions. This is likely due to the fact that black wrestlers are often not featured as prominently as their white counterparts. However, with more black wrestlers being hired and given prominent roles in recent years, it is possible that we will see more black WWE Champions in the future.

The WWE has been featuring black wrestlers more prominently

In the past, the WWE has been heavily criticized for its lack of racial diversity, both on-screen and behind the scenes. But in recent years, the company has made a concerted effort to become more inclusive, and it appears to be paying off.

Today, black wrestlers are featured more prominently than ever before, with several holding championship titles. Here’s a look at how many black WWE Champions there have been to date.

As of 2020, there have been nine black WWE Champions. The first was The Rock, who held the title on six occasions. He was followed by Booker T, who won the title five times. The most recent black WWE Champion is Kofi Kingston, who won the title for the first time in 2019.

While nine champions may not seem like a lot, it’s important to remember that the WWE is a global company with a long history. In comparison to other major sports leagues, such as the NFL or NBA, the WWE is actually ahead of the curve when it comes to racial diversity.

Moreover, the fact that black wrestlers are now being featured more prominently is a positive sign for the future. It shows that the WWE is committed to becoming a more inclusive organization, and that can only be good for business.

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