How Many Bounces Are Allowed In Wheelchair Tennis?

In order to ensure a fair and balanced game, the International Tennis Federation (ITF) has set a limit on the number of bounces a player is allowed in wheelchair tennis. So, how many bounces are allowed in wheelchair tennis?


In wheelchair tennis, the ball is allowed to bounce twice before it must be hit. This may seem like a small difference from regular tennis, but it has a major impact on the game. Because wheelchair users cannot generate the same kind of power and speed as able-bodied players, the extra bounce gives them more time to get to the ball and make a return.

What is a Bounce in Wheelchair Tennis?

In wheelchair tennis, a bounce is defined as the moment when the ball first hits the court after being served. A player is allowed two bounces to return the ball to their opponent. In doubles play, each player is allowed one bounce before returning the ball to their partner.

The wheelchair tennis player must return the ball over the net and inside the boundaries of the court. If the player fails to do so, their opponent will be awarded a point.

Players are not allowed to touch any part of the net or post with their racquet or body while the ball is in play. Doing so will result in a point being awarded to the opponent.

How Many Bounces are Allowed in Wheelchair Tennis?

The International Wheelchair Tennis Federation (IWTF) is the international governing body for the sport of wheelchair tennis. The IWTF is responsible for developing and promoting the game of wheelchair tennis and runs four annual Grand Slam tournaments, amongst other international competitions.

One of the key rules of wheelchair tennis is that the ball is allowed to bounce twice before it must be hit by the player. This rule applies to both singles and doubles matches.

This rule was put in place to make the game more accessible to players with a disability, as it allows them more time to get to the ball. However, it also makes the game more challenging, as players must have good strategic awareness and be able to anticipate their opponents’ shots.

The number of bounces allowed in wheelchair tennis has been a point of debate amongst players and coaches over the years. Some feel that two bounces is too many, as it gives players an unfair advantage, while others believe that one bounce would make the game too difficult. Ultimately, the IWTF has decided that two bounces is the best compromise between accessibility and challenge.

When was the Rule Change Made?

The rule change went into effect on January 1st, 2013. Prior to that, the ball could bounce up to twice before it had to be hit. The reason for the change was to speed up the game and make it more challenging.

Why was the Rule Change Made?

In 2009, the International Tennis Federation (ITF) made a change to the rules of wheelchair tennis that affected how many bounces were allowed before the ball had to be hit. The new rule stated that, “The ball may bounce more than once, but not twice consecutively, before it is hit.” But why was this rule change made?

Before 2009, the rule was that the ball could bounce only once before it had to be hit. This put wheelchair tennis players at a disadvantage because they often have less upper-body strength than able-bodied players and, as a result, have a harder time hitting the ball on the rise. The new rule gives wheelchair players a little more time to get to the ball and makes the game more fair.

While two bounces may not seem like much, it can make a big difference in a game. If you’re playing someone who is very good at getting to the ball and hitting it on the rise, you may find yourself at a disadvantage if you can only bounce the ball once before you have to hit it. However, if you’re playing someone who isn’t as good at getting to the ball or hitting it on the rise, two bounces may give you just enough time to get to the ball and make a good shot.

The rule change has been widely welcomed by wheelchair tennis players and has helped make the sport more accessible for everyone.

What Other Changes have been Made to the Rules of Wheelchair Tennis?

In May 2006, the International Tennis Federation (ITF) approved a set of minor rule changes for the sport of wheelchair tennis with immediate effect. The main changes concern the service let and the maximum number of bounces allowed before a ball is hit in wheelchair tennis.

According to the new rules, a service let will now be called if the receiver is unable to return the serve because of his or her disability, as opposed to the old rule which only allowed a let if the receiver’s chair was obstructing the path of the ball.

Another change concerns the maximum number of bounces that are allowed before a ball must be hit in wheelchair tennis. In singles, the previous limit of two bounces has been increased to three, while in doubles, the limit has been increased from one bounce to two.


In conclusion, the number of bounces allowed in wheelchair tennis is two. This rule is in place to ensure that all players have a fair chance at winning the game. If you are looking to get into the sport of wheelchair tennis, be sure to familiarize yourself with all the rules and regulations.

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