How Many Calories Do You Burn Playing Tennis?

Find out how many calories you can burn playing tennis. We’ll give you some tips on how to improve your game and how to burn even more calories.


Although tennis is not as high-impact as some other sports, it still provides a good workout. If you are looking to burn some calories and tone your muscles, playing tennis is a great option. But how many calories does tennis really burn?

There are a few factors that determine how many calories you will burn playing tennis. These include your weight, the intensity of your play, and the amount of time you spend playing. In general, a person who weighs 160 pounds can expect to burn about 400 calories in an hour of playing singles tennis. If you are playing doubles, you will likely burn slightly fewer calories.

How Many Calories Are Burned Playing Tennis?

The number of calories you burn playing tennis depends on a few factors, including your weight, the intensity of your play, and the length of time you are playing. A general rule of thumb is that you will burn about 100 calories per mile that you play. So, if you play a three-mile match, you can expect to burn about 300 calories during the course of the match.

The Relationship Between Tennis and Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, there are a lot of factors that come into play. One important factor is the type of exercise you do. Some exercises are more effective than others when it comes to burning calories and helping you lose weight. Tennis is one of those exercises that can be very helpful in your weight loss journey. But how many calories does playing tennis really burn?

The answer may surprise you. A study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine found that playing tennis can actually help you burn more calories than other types of exercise, like running or cycling. In fact, the study found that playing tennis can help you burn up to 50% more calories than those other exercises!

So, if you’re looking to lose weight, adding some tennis to your routine may be a great option. Not only will you get a great workout, but you’ll also have fun while doing it!

How to Maximize the Number of Calories You Burn Playing Tennis

To maximize the number of calories you burn playing tennis, follow these simple tips:
-Get a good warm-up in before you start playing. This will help you avoid injury and get your muscles prepared for the game.
-Make sure you keep moving throughout the game. The more you move, the more calories you’ll burn.
-Playing singles will burn more calories than doubles, but doubles is a great way to get a workout in with a friend.
– Playing tennis outdoors willburn more calories than playing indoors because you’ll be working against the wind and weather.


In conclusion, playing tennis can burn a lot of calories. Depending on how intensely you play, you can burn anywhere from 300 to 600 calories per hour. If you’re looking to lose weight, adding tennis to your workout routine is a great way to do it. Just make sure to warm up properly and stay hydrated throughout your game.

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