How Many Calories You Burn Playing Tennis?

How many calories can you burn playing tennis? It depends on how vigorously you play, but a good estimate is that you can burn anywhere from 200 to 600 calories per hour.

How Many Calories You Burn Playing Tennis?


Knowing how many calories you burn playing tennis can help you set sport-specific fitness goals. According to “Shape” magazine, a 155-pound person burns about 440 calories per hour playing singles tennis and about 660 calories per hour playing doubles tennis. The number of calories you burn during a game of tennis depends on your weight, the surface you’re playing on and the type of game you’re playing.

How Many Calories You Can Burn Playing Tennis

The number of calories you can burn playing tennis depends on a few different factors, such as your weight, the intensity of your play, and the amount of time you spend on the court. A general rule of thumb is that you can burn about 100 calories for every 20 minutes of moderate play, or 200 calories for every 20 minutes of vigorous play. So if you play for an hour at a moderate intensity, you could burn off anywhere from 400 to 600 calories; whereas if you played for an hour at a vigorous intensity, you could burn 800 to 1,000 calories.

The Different Factors That Affect The Number of Calories You Burn

There are different factors that affect the number of calories you burn playing tennis. For example, your weight, the intensity of your play, and the surface you are playing on all play a role.

A 160-pound person will burn approximatelyconstant during a singles tennis match on a hard court. So, if you weigh more or less than 160 pounds, you can expect to burn more or fewer calories, respectively. If you play doubles, you will probably burn even fewer calories because you won’t be running as much.

The surface also has an effect on how many calories you burn playing tennis. Hard courts require more effort and result in more calorie expenditure than soft courts. So if you are looking to burn more calories, playing on a hard court is the way to go.

Lastly, the level of intensity at which you play also plays a role in how many calories you burn playing tennis. If you are playing a singles match and running all over the court chasing down every shot, you will obviously burn more calories than if you are just casually hitting balls back and forth with a friend. The same goes for doubles; if you are playing competitively with two other people who are also trying to win, you will likely expend more energy and burn more calories than if it is just a casual game between friends.

Tips to Maximize The Amount of Calories You Burn Playing Tennis

Here are some tips to help you maximize the amount of calories you burn playing tennis:

-Play singles rather than doubles.
– Play on a hard surface such as asphalt or concrete, rather than a soft surface such as grass or clay. Hard surfaces require your muscles to work harder, resulting in more calories being burned.
– Increase the intensity of your game by running after each shot and serving quickly.
– Use a heavier tennis racket. A heavier racket will require your muscles to work harder, resulting in more calories being burned.
– Practice your swings in between games. Doing this will increase the amount of time your muscles are working, and therefore burn more calories.


From the information gathered, it seems that playing tennis can be a great way to burn calories and get some exercise. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, the number of calories you burn will vary depending on how vigorously you play and how much you weigh. Second, your calorie-burning will also be affected by how often you take breaks during your game. Finally, playing tennis in hot weather will cause you to sweat more and may result in slightly higher calorie loss.

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