How Many Characters Are In Mario Tennis Aces?

Find out how many characters are in Mario Tennis Aces and which ones are available to play as right here!

The History of Mario Tennis

Mario Tennis is a long-running sports franchise from Nintendo, appearing on numerous Nintendo console and handheld systems. The first Mario Tennis game was released on the Nintendo 64 in 2000. The game has been well-received by fans and critics alike, with each new installment bringing new innovations to the series.

The first Mario Tennis game

The first Mario Tennis game was released for the Nintendo 64 in 2000. The game featured eight playable characters from the Mario series, including Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Yoshi, Bowser, Wario, Toad, and Donkey Kong. More characters were added in later releases, including Rosalina, Daisy, Waluigi, and Boo.

The most recent Mario Tennis game

While the first Mario Tennis game was released on the Nintendo 64 in 2000, the most recent Mario Tennis game is Mario Tennis Aces, which was released on the Nintendo Switch on June 22, 2018. The game features a story mode for the first time in the series, as well as a variety of new gameplay mechanics. In terms of characters,Mario Tennis Aces includes a roster of 27 playable characters, with 19 of them being available from the start and an additional 8 that can be unlocked through game progression.

The Characters of Mario Tennis Aces

Mario Tennis Aces is a sport game for the Nintendo Switch released on June 22, 2018. The game features a total of fifteen playable characters, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles. In this article, we’ll take a look at all fifteen of the Mario Tennis Aces characters and rate them based on their strengths and weaknesses.

The playable characters

While the roster of Mario Tennis Aces is pretty small compared to past entries in the series, it’s still a relatively robust collection of characters. Here’s a look at all the playable characters in Mario Tennis Aces, along with their stats and abilities.

Mario: A well-rounded character with no standout stats. His Special Shot is the Fiery Shot, which sends a flaming tennis ball at his opponent.

Luigi: Luigi has slightly lower power than Mario but makes up for it with better control. His Special Shot is the Trick Shot, which sends a curved tennis ball at his opponent.

Peach: Peach is a bit lighter than the other characters, meaning she can run around the court more quickly. However, she doesn’t have as much power behind her shots. Her Special Shot is the Toad Shot, which summons Toad to knock the ball back to her.

Daisy: Daisy is similar to Peach in terms of her stats and abilities. Her Special Shot is the Flower Shot, which surrounds her tennis ball in flowers that make it harder for her opponent to return.

Yoshi: Yoshi is one of the more powerful characters in Mario Tennis Aces, but he doesn’t have great control. HisSpecial Shot is the Egg Shot, which encases his tennis ball in an egg that cracks upon impact.

Wario: Wario is another powerful character, but he’s even worse than Yoshi when it comes to control. HisSpecial Shot is the Giant Bomb shot, which sends a huge bomb towards his opponent. The bomb will explode if it hits them or if they hit it back three times.

Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong might be slow, but he’s one of the most powerful characters in Mario Tennis Aces. HisSpecial Shot is the Banana Smash, which sends a banana peel sliding across the court that can trip up opponents who try to return it.
Bowser: Bowser is one of the slowest characters in Mario Tennis Aces but he makes up for it with his huge amount of power behind his shots.. His Special Shot is Bowser Bomb, which homes in on his opponent and explodes on contact

The non-playable characters

There are various unlockable and playable characters in Mario Tennis Aces, but there are also plenty of notable non-playable characters (NPC) in the game. From shopkeepers to commentators, these NPCs play an important role in the game. Here is a list of some of the more notable ones:

-Shopkeeper: The shopkeeper is a Toad who runs the in-game shop. Here, players can purchase new rackets, gloves, and other accessories.
-Commentators: There are two commentators in Mario Tennis Aces: Toad and Waluigi. They provide color commentary during matches and add some levity to the proceedings.
-Ball Boy/Girl: These helpful little creatures can be found on the sidelines of courts. They will retrieve any balls that go out of bounds and hand them back to the players.
-Line Judge: The line judge is responsible for calling any balls that are close to going out of bounds. They will also occasionally make mistakes, which can be frustrating for players.

How Many Characters Are In Mario Tennis Aces?

Mario Tennis Aces is a 2018 sports video game developed by Camelot Software Planning and published by Nintendo. The game is the eighth instalment in the Mario Tennis series and introduces a new player, Pauline. The story mode of the game revolves around stopping a sports tournament hosted by Bowser. There are a total of fifteen playable characters in the game, with fourteen being unlocked through the course of the story mode. The final character, Waluigi, is unlocked by completing all other character’s story modes.

The number of playable characters

In the game, there are a total of 15 playable characters, each with their own unique skills and abilities. Of the 15 playable characters, 8 of them return from previous Mario Tennis games, while the other 7 are brand new to the series. The new characters include:
-Chain Chomp
-Bowser Jr.
-Diddy Kong
-Donkey Kong

The number of non-playable characters

The number of non-playable characters in Mario Tennis Aces is 45. This number includes 38 support characters and 7 bosses.

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