How Many Colleges Have Esports?

A new report finds that more than half of American colleges have esports programs, with the number of participants doubling in the last year.


Since the popularity of esports has exploded in recent years, many colleges and universities have started to field their own teams and offer scholarships to talented players. But just how many colleges have esports programs?

The short answer is that it depends on how you define an esports program. Some schools have varsity teams that compete in national leagues, while others have more casual clubs that meet for weekly gaming sessions. Some colleges offer scholarships for esports athletes, while others simply allow students to use their existing financial aid packages to cover the costs of gaming equipment and tournament fees.

So how many colleges have esports programs? It’s hard to say for sure, but the best estimate is that there are over 200 colleges and universities with some form of esports program in place. And this number is only going to grow in the years to come as more and more schools recognize the benefits of offering esports programs.

The Rise of Esports

With the recent explosion in popularity of esports, many colleges are now fielding teams and offering scholarships to talented players. But just how many colleges have esports programs?

The answer, unfortunately, is that there is no definitive answer. While there are some estimates out there, the truth is that the number of colleges with esports programs is constantly changing as more and more schools get on board.

What we can say for sure is that the number of colleges with esports programs is growing rapidly. In fact, it’s been estimated that the number of schools with esports programs has doubled in the past year alone!

So if you’re interested in playing competitive video games at the collegiate level, there’s a good chance that there’s an esports program out there for you. And with more and more schools getting involved each year, the possibilities are only going to continue to grow.

College Esports Programs

As of 2019, there are over 1,000 colleges with esports programs, and that number is growing every year. Most of these programs are club-level teams, but a handful of colleges have begun to offer scholarships for competitive gamers.

The most popular games in collegiate esports areLeague of Legends, Overwatch, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and Rocket League. These games are all offered at the collegiate level through the Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC), which governs college esports in conjunction with the Collegiate Star League (CSL).

Other popular games in the collegiate esports scene include Dota 2, Fortnite, StarCraft II, and Hearthstone. While these games are not currently governed by the ESIC or CSL, they are still played by many college teams across the country.

The future of collegiate esports is bright, with more and more schools adding programs every year. As the popularity of competitive gaming continues to grow, we can only expect that number to increase.

The Benefits of Esports

The popularity of esports has been growing rapidly in recent years, and colleges and universities across the country have been taking notice. Many schools now have esports teams and offer scholarships to students who are skilled at playing video games.

So what are the benefits of esports? For one, players can earn scholarship money to help pay for their education. Esports can also be a great way to make new friends and meet people from all over the world. And because video games require quick reflexes and sharp problem-solving skills, playing them can actually help improve your academic performance.

If you’re interested in joining an esports team, check with your school’s admissions office to see if they have any programs or scholarships available.

The Future of Esports

With the recent popularity of esports, many colleges are now fielding teams and offering scholarships to talented players. But just how many colleges have esports programs?

The answer isn’t as straightforward as you might think. While there are a handful of schools that have dedicated esports programs, most colleges that offer esports do so through their gaming clubs. And because there’s no centralized governing body for college esports, there’s no official count of how many colleges have teams.

But according to the National Association of Collegiate Esports (NACE), there are over 130 colleges and universities with varsity esports programs in the United States. NACE is the leading organization for collegiate esports, and their members include some of the biggest names in the industry, like UC Irvine and Pepperdine University.

And it’s not just American colleges that are getting in on the action. There are also a growing number of schools in Canada, Europe, and Asia that are fielding teams. With the popularity of esports only increasing, it’s likely that we’ll see even more colleges adding teams in the future.

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