How Many Female Coaches Are There In the NFL?

A recent report found that there are only six female coaches in the NFL. This number is down from last year, when there were nine. The report also found that there are no female head coaches in the NFL.


In recent years, there has been a push to increase the number of female coaches in the NFL. While the number of female coaches in the league is still relatively small, it is growing. As of 2019, there are four full-time female coaching staff members in the NFL: Katie Sowers (San Francisco 49ers), Jennifer King (Arizona Cardinals), Lori Locust (Tampa Bay Buccaneers), and Maral Javadifar (Los Angeles Rams).

The number of female coaches in the NFL

In 2018, the number of female coaches in the NFL was 8, which accounted for 1.6% of all NFL coaches. This was an increase from the previous year, when there were 5 female coaches, or 1.0% of all NFL coaches. The number of female coaches in the NFL has been slowly increasing since the league began tracking this data in 2003, when there were no female coaches.

The benefits of having female coaches in the NFL

The National Football League has seen a recent increase in the number of female coaches. Although the percentage of female coaches is still relatively low, there are many benefits to having female coaches in the NFL.

One of the main benefits is that female coaches often bring a different perspective to the game. They often have a better understanding of the players and their motivations, which can help them create game plans that are more effective. Additionally, having female coaches can help create a more positive and welcoming environment for all players, male and female.

Another benefit of having more female coaches in the NFL is that it can help attract more fans. Women make up a large portion of NFL fans, and having more female coaches can help attract even more women to the sport. Additionally, having more diverse coaching staffs can help make the NFL appear more progressive and open-minded, which can also attract new fans.

Overall, there are many benefits to having female coaches in the NFL. Although the percentage of female coaches is still relatively low, it is important to remember that every coach brings something unique to the table and that diversity can be a strength for any team.

The challenges faced by female coaches in the NFL

There are currently no female head coaches in the NFL. In the history of the league, there have only been two: Denise Garraway with the Indianapolis Colts in 1997 and Leslie Frazier with the Minnesota Vikings in 2010. Both women were only interim head coaches and did not have their contracts renewed.

The lack of diversity among NFL coaches was brought into sharp focus this past season when, for the first time in league history, all 32 head coaches were white. weight”1/3″>

The challenge for any woman who wants to coach in the NFL is twofold. First, they have to overcome the perception that they are not qualified for the job. Second, they need to find an opportunity to actually get hired.

One way to combat the perception that women are not qualified to coach men’s football is by bringing more women into coaching at lower levels of the game. This will help create a pipeline of qualified female coaches who can then move up into NFL coaching positions.

However, even if there are more women coaching at lower levels, it will be difficult for them to break into NFL coaching if there are no opportunities available. This is where hiring initiatives like the Rooney Rule can make a difference. The Rooney Rule requires teams to interview at least one minority candidate for every head coach or general manager opening. While the rule was originally created to increase opportunities for racial minorities, it can also be applied to gender minorities like women.

If more teams start complying with the Rooney Rule and interviewing female candidates for coaching positions, it will eventually lead to more women being hired as head coaches in the NFL.


In conclusion, while the number of female coaches in the NFL is still relatively low, it is encouraging to see that the number of women in coaching roles is slowly but surely increasing. Hopefully, this trend will continue in the years to come and we will see even more female coaches in the NFL in the future.

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