How Many Fouls Can You Get In the NBA?

In the NBA, players can commit six types of fouls: shooting, personal, flagrant, technical, loose ball, and offensive. Each type of foul has a different penalty associated with it. How many fouls can a player commit before being ejected from the game?



In the National Basketball Association (NBA), a foul is an illegal personal contact with an opposing player. These are committed when a player impedes the progress of an opponent by making bodily contact with them. Fouls can also be committed by players who hold, push, trip or charge into their opponents. A player who commits five fouls in a game is said to have “fouled out” and is disqualified for the remainder of the game.

How Many Fouls Are Allowed Per Game?

The number of fouls a player can commit in an NBA game varies depending on the player’s fouling record. If a player has six or fewer fouls, he can commit as many as three fouls before he is removed from the game. If a player has committed seven or more fouls, he can only commit two before he is removed.

What Happens If You Get Too Many Fouls?

In the NBA, if you accrue six fouls in a game, you will be disqualified and will have to leave the game. This is known as “fouling out.” You are allowed to stay in the game if you have five fouls, but once you get your sixth foul, you are out for the rest of the game.

How Do Players Avoid Fouls?

Players can avoid fouling out of a game by playingconservatively and not aggressively trying to block every shot or steal the ball every time. Another way to avoid fouling is by being in good physical shape so that you can run the court and not get tired as easily, which can lead to sloppy play.


In conclusion, you can get up to six fouls in the NBA before you are disqualified from the game. However, if you commit a flagrant foul, you will be immediately ejected from the game regardless of how many fouls you have.

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