How Many Games are in the NFL Preseason?

The National Football League preseason is the period each year during which NFL teams play several not-for-the-record exhibition games before the official start of the regular season. But how many games are in the NFL preseason?


The NFL preseason is 4 games long.

too many

The NFL preseason is a month-long exhibition period where NFL teams play four games to prepare for the regular season. The preseason games are not part of the official NFL standings and do not count towards a team’s record. However, many starters play in the first half of the first two games, giving fans a chance to see their favorite players in action.

The NFL preseason is also known for being a time when many young players try to make an impression on coaches and earn a spot on the final 53-man roster. These “bubble” players often see significant playing time in the later preseason games.

What many fans don’t realize is that the NFL preseason is simply too long. With four meaningless games, players are at a greater risk of injury and there is very little incentive for teams to field their best squads. The result is often uninspired football and poor attendance. In fact, many stadiums are only half-full for preseason games.

The NFL should consider reducing the preseason to two or three games. This would limit player exposure to injury and create more excitement heading into the regular season.

not enough

The National Football League preseason is the period each year during which professional American football teams play exhibition games before the regular season begins.
During the preseason, teams play against each other in order to make final evaluations of their players and determine which ones will make the regular season roster.
Preseason games are generally considered to be of lower importance than regular season games, as most starters do not play in them.

The NFL Preseason typically consists of four games for each team, although some teams have played as many as six during certain years.

the right amount

The right amount of preseason games is a matter of opinion. Some people believe that the preseason is too long, while others believe that it’s the perfect length. Personally, I believe that the preseason is the perfect length. It allows players to get into game shape, while also giving them time to rest and recover between games.

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