How Many Games are in the NHL Schedule?

The NHL schedule is released three months before the start of the season. How many games are in the NHL schedule?

How Many Games are in the NHL Schedule?


The NHL schedule is divided into two parts: the first half of the season and the second half of the season. Each team plays 82 games in total. 41 games are played in the first half of the season, and 41 games are played in the second half of the season.

The NHL schedule is separated into two parts to make room for the Stanley Cup playoffs. The Stanley Cup playoffs take place in April and May, and involve 16 teams total. 8 teams from each conference make it to the playoffs.

So, in conclusion, each team plays a total of 82 regular season games, and then any additional games they might play during the Stanley Cup playoffs.


The National Hockey League plays an 82-game regular season schedule. Each of the 30 NHL teams play 82 games. In a typical NHL season, each team plays 41 home games and 41 away games. The home team wears their white jerseys and the away team wears their dark jerseys.

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