How Many High Schools Have Esports Teams?

The number of high schools with esports teams is on the rise, but just how many schools have them? We take a look at the latest data.

How Many High Schools Have Esports Teams?


Esports teams are on the rise in high schools across the United States. According to a recent study, the number of high schools with esports teams has doubled in the past year. This is a trend that shows no signs of stopping, as more and more schools are beginning to see the value in esports.

So, just how many high schools have esports teams? The answer may surprise you. According to the study, there are currently over 2,000 high schools with esports teams. This number is expected to grow in the coming years, as more and more schools begin to see the benefits of having an esports team.

The Rise of Esports

In recent years, esports have seen a meteoric rise in popularity. A growing number of high schools have started to field esports teams, and many colleges offer scholarships for students who compete in esports. Some of the most popular esports games include League of Legends, Dota 2, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

What are Esports?

Esports, also known as electronic sports, are organized video game competitions, usually played between professional players. These events can be played either offline in front of a live audience or online.

The first esports competition took place in 1972 at Stanford University, where participants competed in a Spacewar tournament.Since then, the popularity of esports has grown exponentially. In 2019 alone, the global esports economy was valued at over $1 billion. And it is projected to grow to $1.8 billion by 2022.

With the rise of streaming platforms like Twitch and YouTube Gaming, esports have become more accessible than ever before. Major tournaments are now broadcast to millions of people around the world.

One of the most popular games in the esports world is League of Legends (LoL). LoL is a multi-player online battle arena game (MOBA) published by Riot Games. It was released in 2009 and has since become one of the most popular games in the world. In 2019, it was estimated that there were over 8 million active LoL players worldwide.

The rise of esports has also led to the formation of high school esports teams. As of 2020, there are over 1,700 high school esports teams in the United States alone. This number is expected to grow in the coming years as more schools begin to recognize the benefits of having an esports team.

The Growth of Esports

The growth of esports over the past few years has been nothing short of phenomenal. What started out as a niche hobby has now turned into a multimillion-dollar industry, with professional teams and players competing for huge prizes in front of massive online and offline audiences.

One of the most surprising aspects of the rise of esports is the involvement of high schools. According to a report by the National Association of Collegiate Esports (NACE), there are currently more than 1,000 high schools in the United States with esports teams. This represents a significant increase from just a few years ago, when there were only around 50 high school teams in existence.

There are several reasons behind the rapid growth of esports at the high school level. Firstly, many young people who are passionate about video games now have an outlet to compete and progress in their chosen game or games. Secondly, the ever-increasing prize money on offer for professional competitions is providing a financial incentive for talented players to pursue a career in esports. Lastly, as esports continues to grow in popularity, more and more colleges and universities are beginning to offer scholarships for students who excel at competitive gaming.

The involvement of high schools in esports is likely to continue to increase in the coming years, as more students discover their love for competitive gaming and more schools recognize the benefits that esports can bring.

High Schools with Esports Teams

As of 2019, there are an estimated 1,000 high schools in the United States with esports teams. This number has been growing rapidly in recent years as schools see the benefits of having an esports team. Some of the benefits include increased school spirit, camaraderie among students, and increased student engagement.

Why Have Esports Teams?

Most people tend to think of gaming as a hobby or a pastime, but for some, it’s a way of life. Professional gamers can make a very good living playing video games and competing in tournaments. In recent years, “esports” has become a more mainstream concept, with many high schools and colleges fielding esports teams.

So why have esports teams? For many high school students, gaming is a way to socialize and compete with others. It can be a way to make friends and bond over a shared interest. Esports teams can also give students a sense of belonging and can promote healthy competition.

Some schools see esports teams as a way to boost enrollment and attract students who may not be interested in traditional sports. Esports teams can also generate revenue for schools through sponsorships and ticket sales.

Of course, not everyone is on board with the idea of high school students playing video games for money. Some worry that esports teams will take away from traditional sports programs, or that they will breed unhealthy competition among students. However, there are many benefits to having an esports team, and as the popularity of esports continues to grow, more and more high schools are likely to jump on board.

How Many High Schools Have Esports Teams?

High schools with esports teams are becoming more and more common. As of 2019, there were around 3,500 high schools with esports teams in the United States. This number is expected to grow in the coming years as more and more schools start to recognize the benefits of having an esports team.

Benefits of having an esports team include:

– providing students with a competitive outlet
– helping students develop teamwork and communication skills
– increasing school pride and spirit
– generating revenue for the school

If your high school does not have an esports team, you may want to consider starting one. It can be a great way to get involved in your school community and make some new friends.


Based on the data, it seems that about 1 in 5 high schools in the United States have some sort of esports team. This number has been increasing rapidly in recent years, and it is likely that even more high schools will have teams in the future. This is a positive trend, as esports can provide many benefits to students.

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