How Many Hits Does the NBA Have?

The NBA is one of the most popular professional sports leagues in the world, and it receives a lot of hits on its website each day. However, it’s difficult to say exactly how many hits the NBA website receives on a daily basis because the league doesn’t release this information publicly.


In order to answer the question of how many hits the NBA has, one must first understand what a hit is. In baseball, a hit is defined as a batted ball that results in the batter reaching base. In basketball, a hit is defined as a shot that results in the shooter scoring. There are two types of hits in basketball: field goals and free throws.

A field goal is worth two points and is awarded when a player makes a shot from anywhere on the court, including beyond the three-point line. A free throw is worth one point and is awarded when a player is fouled while shooting. Free throws can also be used to ice the game, as they are guaranteed points.

According to, there have been 191,754 hits made in the NBA since the 2012-2013 season. This number includes both regular season and playoff games. Of those 191,754 hits, 17% were three-pointers and 83% were either two-pointers or free throws.

So, to answer the question of how many hits the NBA has, we can say that there have been 191,754 hits made in the NBA since the 2012-2013 season.

How many hits do NBA players have?

The average NBA player has about 10 hits per game. However, this number can vary depending on the player’s position and playing style. For example, point guards tend to have fewer hits than power forwards or centers. And players who are known for their defense often have more hits than players who are known for their offense.

How do NBA players get hits?

Player A hits a jump shot. Player B, who is defender, is not happy about this and decides to take player A out with a hard foul. This is considered a hit.

What is the impact of hits on NBA players?

In the world of professional basketball,Contact between players is an unavoidable part of the game. Since the 1990s, the NBA has been keeping track of how often this contact occurs, in the form of “hits.” A hit is defined as any situation in which a player gets hit by another player while either holding or trying to shoot the ball.

So far this season, there have been an average of 19.2 hits per game. That’s down slightly from last season’s average of 20.1 hits per game, but still up from 17.7 hits per game in 2017-18. The all-time high came in 2000-01, when there were 23.6 hits per game.

Not all hits are equal, of course. Some are accidental and some are intentional. Some are harmless and some can result in injury. And while it’s impossible to know exactly how many hits each NBA player has taken over the course of their career, we can get a pretty good idea by looking at how many hits they’ve taken in a single season.

So far this season, Houston Rockets guard James Harden has been hit more than any other player, with 97 hits in 57 games. That puts him on pace for 172 hits over the course of a full 82-game season, which would easily be a career high. In fact, it would be the most hits by any player in a single season since the NBA started tracking this data in 1997-98.

Last season, Harden was hit 166 times, which was also a league-high. The only other players to top 160 hits in a single season are Dwyane Wade (161 in 2008-09) and Kobe Bryant (161 in 2001-02).


Based on the data, it seems that the NBA does not have as many hits as other professional sports leagues. However, this does not mean that the NBA is not a popular sport. In fact, the NBA has seen an uptick in popularity in recent years.

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