How Many Minutes Are in an NBA Game?

There are four 12-minute quarters in an NBA game. From the time the ball is inbounded, the clock doesn’t stop until the end of the game. There are also timeouts, which add up to a total of 48 minutes of actual gameplay.


The National Basketball Association (NBA) is a professional basketball league in North America. The NBA has 30 teams, and each team plays 82 games in a regular season. So, how long is an NBA game?

An NBA game is 48 minutes long, divided into four 12-minute quarters. There is a break at halftime, which is usually about 15 minutes long. There are also timeouts and other stoppages of play, which can add up to around 7 minutes per game. So, the total length of an NBA game, including all stoppages of play, is around 63 minutes.

The Length of an NBA Game

The average NBA game is 48 minutes long, but there are actually 60 minutes in a regulation game. The other 12 minutes are for timeouts, fouls, and other stoppages of play. So, if you’re wondering how long an NBA game actually is, the answer is 60 minutes.

Regulation Time

An NBA game is 48 minutes long, broken up into four 12 minute quarters. If the game is tied at the end of regulation time, then there will be a five minute overtime period. If the game is still tied after overtime, then the game ends in a tie.


In the NBA, each game consists of four 12-minute quarters, for a total of 48 minutes. If the score is tied at the end of regulation, the game goes into overtime.

Overtime periods are five minutes long in the regular season, and they are played until one team scores enough points to win – there is no limit to how many overtime periods can be played. In the playoffs, however, each overtime period is 10 minutes long, and there is a limit of three OT periods per game.

Why the Length of an NBA Game Has Changed Over Time

The length of an NBA game has changed quite a bit over time. The average game used to be around 48 minutes, but now the average game is around 56 minutes. There are a few reasons for this change. One reason is that the number of time-outs has increased. Another reason is that the number of commercials has increased. Let’s take a closer look at why the length of an NBA game has changed over time.

The Introduction of the Shot Clock

In 1954, the NBA introduced the 24-second shot clock to end To end the practice of stalling, which had become common in the league. (Stalling is when a team hangs on to the ball without trying to score, running down the clock.) Before the shot clock, it wasn’t uncommon for a team to hold the ball for several minutes without shooting.

The effect of the shot clock was almost immediate. In the 1954-55 season, scoring jumped by nearly 10 points per game. And since then, scoring in the NBA has only continued to go up.

The Change to a shorter game

In an effort to make the game more appealing to a wider audience, in 1953 the NBA reduced the length of its games from 48 minutes to 44 minutes. In 1983, the league again shortened the game, this time to 43 minutes. Finally, in 1999, the NBA settled on its current game length of 48 minutes (4 12-minute quarters), which it has used ever since.

While the NBA has experimented with different game lengths over the years, it has always been cognizant of the fact that reducing the amount of playing time could have a negative impact on ticket sales and TV ratings. In other words, less basketball means fewer people interested in watching. That’s why the league has always been careful to make any changes gradually and with plenty of advance notice.


The average NBA game time is 48 minutes, which is shorter than the standard 60 minutes for a regulation game. However, there are four 12-minute quarters in an NBA game, so the actual playing time is only 48 minutes. The other 12 minutes are used for halftime and other stoppages in play.

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