How Many Minutes are in an NFL Quarter?

The average NFL game is about 60 minutes long, but there are four 15 minute quarters in an NFL game. So, how many minutes are in an NFL quarter?


In American football, the game is divided into four quarters. There are four 15-minute quarters in a typical NFL game. If the game goes into overtime, each team gets an additional possession (or two) to try and score. The sudden death feature of overtime doesn’t kick in until each team has had at least one possession in the extra period (usually).

How long is an NFL quarter?

In the NFL, each quarter is 15 minutes long. There are four quarters in a football game, so that means that the game is 60 minutes long, not counting halftime or any overtime periods.

How many minutes are in an NFL quarter?

The NFL game consists of four quarters, each quarter lasting 15 minutes. In total, there are 60 minutes in an NFL game.

How many seconds are in an NFL quarter?

The NFL regulates the length of each quarter in a game. A quarter is 15 minutes long, with a 12-minute rest between quarters. There are four quarters in an NFL game.

How many plays are in an NFL quarter?

The average NFL game consists of about 60 total plays, which are divided evenly between the two teams. Each team gets about 30 offensive plays and 30 defensive plays. However, the number of plays can vary depending on the game situation. For example, if one team is ahead by a large margin, that team may choose to run the clock out by running more conservative, time-consuming plays.

How many timeouts are in an NFL quarter?

In the NFL, each team is allowed three timeouts per half, with each timeout lasting one minute. There are also two minute intermissions between the first and second quarters, and between the third and fourth quarters. So in total, there are 12 minutes of timeouts in an NFL game.

How many commercials are in an NFL quarter?

We all know that NFL games are divided into four quarters, each lasting 15 minutes. But those 15 minutes of playing time are actually stretched out over the course of about three hours, thanks to the time it takes for the players to line up and run each play, plus all of the commercials that air during breaks in the action. So how many commercials are there in an NFL quarter?

The answer is, it varies. According to The Wall Street Journal, there were an average of 100 commercial breaks during NFL games aired on Fox in 2017. That works out to about 12 minutes of commercials per quarter. However, other networks may air fewer or more commercials during their games. For example, NBC averaged just over 10 minutes of commercial time per quarter during the 2017 season.

So how do all those commercials add up? Well, if we assume that each game has an average of 100 commercial breaks and each break lasts for an average of 30 seconds, that would add up to about 50 minutes of commercials over the course of a three-hour game. That means that about one-sixth of an NFL game is spent watching commercials!

How many minutes of actual play are in an NFL quarter?

The answer may surprise you – there is only 11 minutes of actual play in an NFL quarter! The other 34 minutes are for commercials, timeouts, huddles, and other stoppages.


An NFL game is divided into four quarters, each of which lasts 15 minutes. If the game is tied at the end of regulation time, then both teams are given the opportunity to score in overtime. During overtime, each team is given the chance to score from the opponent’s 25-yard line. If neither team scores during overtime, then the game ends in a tie.

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