How Many More Days Until the NFL Season?

With the NFL season just around the corner, fans are wondering how many more days until their favorite team hits the field.

How Many More Days Until the NFL Season?


The National Football League (NFL) is the highest level of professional American football. The regular season began on September 5, 2019 and will end on December 29, 2019. The playoffs are scheduled to begin on January 4, 2020 and the Super Bowl is scheduled for February 2, 2020.

Days until the NFL season

The National Football League (NFL) season is upon us! For fans of America’s most popular sport, this is a time of excitement and anticipation. How many more days until the NFL season begins?

The answer, unfortunately, is not as simple as it may seem. The NFL season actually kicks off with a preseason game on August 3rd, but the regular season doesn’t begin until September 7th. So if you’re counting down the days until you can watch your favorite team in action, you’ll need to wait a little bit longer.

But even though the regular season doesn’t start for another month, there’s still plenty to get fans excited in the meantime. Training camp is underway for all 32 NFL teams, and that means we’re getting our first look at how each team looks heading into the new year. We’ll also get to see some exciting preseason games, which will give us a taste of what’s to come once the regular season starts.

So even though we have to wait a little while longer for the NFL regular season to start, there’s still plenty to keep us busy in the meantime. So don’t despair – the football season is almost here!

How many more days until the NFL season?

With the NFL season just around the corner, fans are counting down the days until their favorite team hits the field.

The NFL season is set to begin on September 6th, with the reigning champions, the New England Patriots, taking on the Kansas City Chiefs. There are a total of 256 games in the regular season, which runs until December 30th.

Then, it’s off to the playoffs! The Wild Card round will be played on January 5th and 6th, with the Divisional Playoffs taking place on January 12th and 13th. The Conference Championships will be held on January 19th, and finally, Super Bowl LIII will be played on February 3rd.

So far, there are no exact dates or times for any of these games, but they will be announced closer to the start of the season. So while we don’t know exactly when our favorite team will be playing, we do know that there are just a few more weeks of waiting until football is back!


In conclusion, there are a variety of factors that play into how many days are left until the NFL season. However, the main factor is when the NFL schedule is released. This is because all other events leading up to the season, such as training camp and the preseason, are tied to the release of the schedule. Once the schedule is released, we can start counting down to opening day!

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