How Many NBA All Stars Are Selected Each Year?

All-Star voting begins soon! Here’s everything you need to know about how many All-Stars are selected from each conference.


In this article, we will take a look at how many NBA All Stars are selected each year. We will also investigate the changing trend in selection over the past few years.

How Many All Stars Are Selected?

The National Basketball Association (NBA) All-Star Game is an annual exhibition basketball game played between the Eastern Conference and the Western Conference All-Stars. The All-Star Game was first played at the Boston Garden on March 2, 1951. The game was created as a result of the NBA’s merger with the rival National Basketball League (NBL). It was originally held in mid-season (i.e., as a midseason exhibition game) as a showcase for the league’s star players, but it is now considered the main event of the NBA’s All-Star Weekend.

Players are selected by a combination of fans, media, and current NBA players. Fans may vote online for their favorite starters, while media and current players vote for the reserves. The head coaches from each conference are responsible for selecting the remainder of their conference’s All-Star roster, which consists of 14 players. If a player is unable to participate due to injury, he is replaced by another player who received votes.

In total, 30 All Stars are selected annually: 24 starters (12 from each conference) and six reserves (three from each conference).

What Factors Are Considered When Selecting All Stars?

There are a number of different factors that are considered when selecting All Stars each year. The most important factor is undoubtedly a player’s on-court performance, but other things such as a player’s popularity, their team’s record and how marketable they are can also play a role.

In recent years, the selection process has come under criticism for being too political, with some suggesting that certain players are always selected regardless of their form or how well their team is doing. This has led to calls for a more transparent and objective selection process, but it remains to be seen whether this will happen.

At the end of the day, though, the All Star Game is still meant to be an exhibition of the very best players in the league and it remains one of the most highly-anticipated events on the NBA calendar.

All Star Voting Process

The All-Star Game starters are chosen by a combination of 50 percent fans, 25 percent players and 25 percent basketball media. Fans get to vote for the starters, but they only account for 50 percent of the vote. The players and the media each get 25 percent of the vote. Voting for starters begins in late December and ends on Martin Luther King Day.

All Star Game Format

The National Basketball Association (NBA) All-Star Game is a basketball exhibition game hosted every February by the National Basketball Association (NBA), matching a mix of the league’s star players, who are drafted by the two players with the most votes. Each team consists of 12 players, making it 24 in total. It is the highlight of the NBA All-Star Weekend.


In conclusion, the number of NBA All Stars selected each year varies. The selection process is based on a vote by fans, which means that the number of All Stars selected each year is ultimately up to the fans.

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