How Many NFL Concussions Per Year?

On average, there are 250 reported concussions in the NFL each year. Learn more about the causes and effects of concussions in football.

How Many NFL Concussions Per Year?


In 2017, the NFL concussion protocol was put in place to help identify and track concussions throughout the season. The protocol requires players to be removed from the game and examined by a team doctor if they show any signs or symptoms of a concussion. If the doctor suspects a concussion, the player must be cleared by an independent neurologist before returning to play.

Since the implementation of the concussion protocol, the number of reported concussions has increased year over year. In 2017, there were 246 reported concussions during the regular season, which was a 58% increase from 2016. In 2018, there were307 reported concussions during the regular season, which was a 25% increase from 2017.

The increase in concussions can largely be attributed to the fact that more players are now being removed from games and examined by team doctors. However, it is also possible that there has been an increase in the number of actual concussions occurring during NFL games.

There is no sure way to determine how many concussions occur during NFL games, as many go unreported. However, based on the data that is available, it is estimated that there are approximately Concussion rates have steadily increased since 2012 5210 total concussions per year across all levels of play. This includes concussions suffered during preseason and regular season games, as well as those sustained during practice sessions.

While it is impossible to prevent all concussions from occurring, the NFL has made several changes in recent years in an effort to reduce their frequency. These include changing kickoff and touchback rules, outlawing certain tackling techniques, and instituting stricter guidelines for return-to-play following a concussion.

How Many NFL Concussions Per Year?

Before we answer the question of how many NFL concussions per year, it’s important to understand what a concussion is. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head or body, a fall, or another type of collision. Concussions can range from mild to severe, and can lead to problems with memory, thinking, balance, and coordination.

So how many NFL concussions per year are there? According to the most recent data from the National Football League’s Head, Neck and Spine Committee, there were 281 concussions in the 2018 season. This is down from 299 concussions in 2017, and is the second consecutive year that concussion numbers have decreased.

While it’s encouraging to see that concussion numbers are going down, it’s important to remember that even one concussion is one too many. The best way to prevent concussions is to be aware of the signs and symptoms, and to take precautions such as wear proper safety gear. If you think you or someone you know may have a concussion, it’s important to see a doctor right away.

Why Do NFL Concussions Happen?

There are many reasons why NFL concussions happen. One of the most common reasons is due to the players’ helmets. The helmets thatNFL players wear are not as effective as they could be at preventing concussions. In addition, the way that NFL players tackle each other has changed over the years. Players now often lead with their head when tackling, which increases the risk of concussion.

Another reason why NFL concussions happen is because of the way that the game is played. The games are faster and more physical than ever before, which means that there is a greater chance for players to collide with each other and sustain a concussion.

Finally, it is believed that NFL concussions happen more often now because of the way that information about concussions is shared. In the past, concussions were often seen as something that was not serious and were not reported as frequently as they are now. However, with more awareness about the long-term effects of concussions, players and teams are more likely to report them.

How Can NFL Concussions Be Prevented?

Although there are no guarantees when it comes to preventing concussions, there are several things that the NFL is doing to try and reduce the number of concussions that occur each year. Players are being taught how to properly tackle, and they are required to wear better-fitting helmets that offer more protection. In addition, the playing surface is being improved in order to make it softer and more forgiving.


Based on the information gathered from the studies, it is estimated that there are between 250 and 300 concussions per year in the NFL. This number does not include concussions that go unreported or those that happen during preseason games.

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