How Many NFL Owners Are There?

How Many NFL Owners Are There? Despite what you may have heard, the answer is not 32. The actual number of NFL owners is 29, as of 2019.


In the National Football League, there are a total of 32 teams. Each of these teams is owned by one or more individuals, most of whom have made their fortune in other industries. Here is a look at the team owners in the NFL and how they got their start.

The Ownership Structure of the NFL

There are 32 NFL owners, broken down into 8 divisions of 4 teams each. The NFL is the highest level of professional American football in the world, and is made up of two conferences, the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC). The NFL is a not-for-profit organization, with the majority of the revenue generated through television contracts and ticket sales.

The 32 NFL Teams are Owned by a Group of Individuals

The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league consisting of 32 teams, divided equally between the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC). The NFL is one of the four major North American professional sports leagues, the highest professional level of American football in the world.

All of the NFL’s teams are owned by a group of individuals, with the majority being owned by one person. The Green Bay Packers are the only team that is publicly owned, with over 360,000 stockholders. Most teams are owned by one person, though there are a few exceptions. The Denver Broncos and Carolina Panthers are both owned by families – the Bowlen family owns the Broncos, while the Richardson family owns the Panthers. A few teams, like the Miami Dolphins and New York Jets, are owned by companies.

The ownership structure of the NFL has changed significantly over time. In 1960, there were only 10 teams in the league and all were owned by individuals. By 1970, there were 16 teams and 14 were still owned by individuals. However, as the league rapidly expanded in the 1970s and 1980s – adding 8 new teams between 1970 and 1990 – corporate ownership became more common. Today, only 12 of 32 NFL teams are owned by individuals.

There are Several Different Types of Ownership Structures in the NFL

The National Football League (NFL) is made up of 32 teams, each with its own ownership structure. The types of ownerships range from a single owner to a partnership, and even a publicly-traded company.

1. Single owner: This is when one person or one company owns an NFL team. The team is usually passed down within the owner’s family. Examples of single owners are Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys and Robert Kraft of the New England Patriots.

2. Partnership: This is when two or more people or companies own an NFL team together. Usually, there is a lead partner who has the majority stake in the team, and then there are minority partners who have smaller stakes. An example of a partnership is the ownership group of the Green Bay Packers, which is made up of over 360,000 shareholders.

3. Publicly-traded company: This is when a team is owned by a publicly-traded company, which means that anyone can buy shares of stock in the team. The most notable example of this is the NFL’s Jacksonville Jaguars, which are owned by Shahid Khan, who also owns automobile parts manufacturer Flex-N-Gate.

The NFL Ownership Structure is Not Perfect

The current ownership structure of the NFL is not perfect, but it is the best option available. There are 32 teams in the NFL, and each team is owned by one or more individuals. The ownership structure of each team varies, but most teams are owned by a group of people, with a smaller group of people controlling the majority of the shares.

This structure has a few benefits. First, it ensures that each team has enough capital to be competitive. Second, it allows for a degree of stability, as owners are less likely to sell their teams if they are part of a group. Finally, it gives each owner a say in league matters.

However, there are also some drawbacks to this structure. First, it can lead to conflicts of interest between owners, as each owner may have different goals for the team. Second, it can be difficult for new owners to join the league, as they may not be able to find a group willing to sell them a controlling interest in a team. Finally, this structure can lead to stagnation, as incumbent owners may be unwilling to sell their teams to new owners who could shake things up.


In conclusion, there are 32 NFL owners. Each team is owned by one person or a group of people. There are a variety of ownership structures in the NFL, with some teams being owned by individuals, while others are owned by corporations. The majority of NFL owners are white men, although there is a growing number of minority owners in recent years.

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