How Many NFL Owners Are Black?

There are currently three black NFL owners. They are Detroit Lions owner Martha Ford, Houston Texans owner Bob McNair, and Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shahid Khan.


In the National Football League, there are currently zero black majority owners. There are, however, two black minority owners. Robert K. Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots, and Shahid Khan, owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars, are both of Pakistani descent but were born in the United States. Edward DeBartolo Jr., owner of the San Francisco 49ers, is of Lebanese descent but was also born in the United States. These three men are the only non-white majority or minority owners in the NFL.

NFL Ownership

There are now four black NFL owners after Shahid Khan joined the group in 2012. But what does NFL ownership look like? The league is made up of 32 teams, and each team has one primary owner. Most owners are white men, and many of them are worth billions.

Current NFL Owners

The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league consisting of 32 teams, divided equally between the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC). The NFL is one of the four major professional sports leagues in North America, and the highest professional level of American football in the world.

As of October 2019, there are a total of 97 NFL owners; this includes the 8 owners of the Green Bay Packers, who are not individually required to disclose their identities. Of these 97 owners, it is estimated that 24 are people of color. This means that roughly 25% of NFL owners are people of color. While this number has been increasing in recent years, it is still far lower than the overall population of people of color in the United States, which stands at approximately 40%.

NFL Ownership History

The history of NFL ownership is one of gradual but significant change. The league has always been majority white, but that began to change in the 1980s when a number of African American owners emerged. Today, there are a number of black NFL owners, though they still remain in the minority.

The first black owner in NFL history was Edward Debartolo Sr., who purchased the San Francisco 49ers in 1977. Debartolo was succeeded by his son, Edward Jr., in 2000. In 2001, Robert Johnson became the first African American to own an NFL team outright when he purchased the expansion Carolina Panthers. Other black owners followed, including Dennis Green (Arizona Cardinals), Reggie Fowler (Minnesota Vikings), and Jay Zygmunt (Buffalo Bills).

Today, there are a total of six black NFL owners: Reginald Lewis (Atlanta Falcons), Sheila Johnson (Washington Redskins), David Baker (Tampa Bay Buccaneers), Jeffrey Lurie (Philadelphia Eagles), James Irsay (Indianapolis Colts), and Kim Pegula (Buffalo Bills). While this represents a small minority of NFL ownership, it is still a significant increase from just a few decades ago.

The Business of the NFL

The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league. The NFL is the highest level of professional football in the United States. NFL owners are some of the richest people in the world. In this article, we will take a look at how many NFL owners are black.

NFL Revenues

In 2020, the NFL generated $14.3 billion in revenue. According to a report from Statista, this is an increase of 5 percent from the previous year. The main sources of revenue for the NFL are television rights fees, ticket sales, and merchandising.

Television rights fees are the largest source of revenue for the NFL. In 2020, the league generated $6.1 billion from television rights fees. This is an increase of 7 percent from 2019. The majority of television rights fees come from the league’s national broadcast partners, CBS, NBC, and Fox. These companies pay the NFL billions of dollars every year for the right to air games on their networks.

Ticket sales are the second largest source of revenue for the NFL. In 2020, the league generated $2.2 billion from ticket sales. This is a decrease of 2 percent from 2019. The decrease in ticket sales is due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Many fans were unable to attend games in person due to health and safety concerns.

Merchandising is the third largest source of revenue for the NFL. In 2020, the league generated $3 billion from merchandising. This is an increase of 4 percent from 2019. The NFL generates revenue from merchandising through sales of licensed products such as jerseys, hats, and other team-related items.

NFL Expenses

In order to understand how many NFL owners are black, it is necessary to understand the business of the NFL. The National Football League is a multi-billion dollar enterprise. In 2012, the NFL generated $9.5 billion in revenue. The majority of this revenue comes from television contracts, sponsorship deals, and ticket sales.

The cost of running an NFL team is also very high. In 2012, the average cost of operating an NFL team was $377 million. This figure includes player salaries, stadium costs, and other team expenses. It does not include the cost of purchasing a franchise, which can cost upwards of $1 billion.

So, how many black NFL owners are there? As of 2013, there are only two black NFL owners: Art Modell and Michael Adams. Both men are part-owners of their respective teams, the Baltimore Ravens and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Although blacks make up 13 percent of the population in the United States, they only own two percent of NFL teams.

The Future of NFL Ownership

Currently, there are no black majority owners of NFL teams, but that could soon change. Several black business leaders have expressed interest in owning an NFL team, and they have the financial backing to make it happen. This could be a game-changer for the NFL, and it would be a positive step forward for diversity in NFL ownership.

New NFL Owners

Since the early 2000s, the number of black NFL owners has slowly but steadily increased. In 2003, there were only three black NFL owners. Today, that number has jumped to 10. That’s still a tiny fraction of the league’s 32 teams, but it’s a significant increase nonetheless.

What’s behind this increase? It’s likely due to a combination of factors, including an awareness of the need for diversity at the ownership level and an influx of new wealth into the NFL ownership ranks.

The 10 black NFL owners are:
– Clark Hunt, Kansas City Chiefs
– Michael Jordan, Carolina Panthers
– Shahid Khan, Jacksonville Jaguars
– Eddie Woods III, Detroit Lions
– Denise DeBartolo York, San Francisco 49ers
– Steven Pagliuca, New England Patriots
– Bob McNair, Houston Texans
– Calvin Hill, Dallas Cowboys
– Jeffrey Lurie, Philadelphia Eagles
– Fred Smith, Washington Redskins

Potential NFL Owners

There is a growing movement to increase the number of black NFL owners. Currently, there are only two black majority owners in the NFL – David Tepper of the Carolina Panthers and Kim Pegula of the Buffalo Bills. There are also a handful of minority owners, including Jed York of the San Francisco 49ers and Michael Jordan of the Charlotte Hornets.

Despite these small numbers, there is a growing movement to increase the number of black NFL owners. In 2020, Diddy publicly announced his interest in owning an NFL team, and he isn’t alone. Other high-profile black entrepreneurs like Robert F. Smith andOprah Winfrey have also expressed interest in owning an NFL team.

There are a few potential reasons for this increased interest. First, the current political climate has made many black Americans more aware of issues of race and inequality. Second, the financial success of several recent NFL ownership groups has made it clear that there is money to be made in owning an NFL team. And finally, as the league continues to grow in popularity, there is an increasing realization that black Americans are underserved by the current ownership structure.

If this trend continues, it is very possible that we will see a significant increase in the number of black majority owners in the coming years. This would be a very positive development for both the league and its fans.


After conducting our research, we found that there are currently four black NFL owners. This number represents 9% of the total NFL ownership. Although this number is small, it is important to remember that it has nearly tripled in the last fifteen years. There are currently three black majority owners and one black minority owner in the NFL.

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