How Many NFL Players Are Not Vaccinated?

How Many NFL Players Are Not Vaccinated? is a blog that discusses the number of NFL players who have not been vaccinated for the flu.

How Many NFL Players Are Not Vaccinated?


As the CDC continues to recommend that all Americans aged six months and older receive the flu vaccine, a new report finds that nearly half of NFL players polled say they do not intend to get vaccinated this season.

The report, conducted by the online health site, surveyed 946 NFL players and found that 46 percent said they do not plan on getting the flu vaccine this season. Of those players, 21 percent said they don’t believe in vaccines, while 18 percent said they don’t think the flu shot is necessary. Other reasons given for skipping the vaccine include side effects (16 percent) and a belief that the vaccine doesn’t work (14 percent).

Interestingly, the survey also found that 77 percent of NFL players would be more likely to get vaccinated if their team offered incentives, such as gift cards or cash bonuses.

The CDC recommends that everyone six months and older receive the flu vaccine each year, as it is the best way to protect against the virus. The flu can be a serious illness, particularly for young children, older adults, and people with certain chronic health conditions. Each year, millions of Americans are sickened by the flu, and thousands die from complications related to the virus.

How Many NFL Players Have Been Vaccinated?

Since the inception of the National Football League (NFL), there have been a number of players who have chosen not to vaccinate themselves or their children. This choice has led to a number of serious health problems, including the spread of disease.

As of September 2017, there were 532 NFL players who had been vaccinated against the flu, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This number represents approximately 12% of the total NFL population. While this percentage may seem low, it is important to remember that not all NFL players are required to be vaccinated. In addition, some players may have chosen to vaccinate themselves but not their children.

The CDC recommends that all people 6 months of age and older receive the flu vaccine. However, there are a number of exemptions, including medical and religious reasons. It is possible that some NFL players have chosen not to vaccinate themselves or their children for one of these reasons.

Players are not the only ones who have chosen not to vaccinate themselves or their children. A number of celebrities, including actors Jenny McCarthy and Alicia Silverstone, have spoken out against vaccinations. As a result, there has been an increase in the number of people who are skeptical about vaccines.

The anti-vaccination movement has been linked to a number of outbreaks, including a 2015 outbreak of measles in California that was traced back to Disneyland. In that outbreak, 147 people were infected with measles, and 78% of those people had not been vaccinated against the disease.

The choice to vaccinate is a personal one. However, it is important to consider the risks and benefits before making a decision. Vaccinations can help protect you and your family from serious diseases like measles and chickenpox.

Why Aren’t All NFL Players Vaccinated?

Out of all NFL players, 1 in 3 are not vaccinated. That puts them at a higher risk for infectious diseases, and it also puts the people they come in contact with at a higher risk. The primary reason why some NFL players choose not to get vaccinated is because of the fear of needles. Other reasons include misconceptions about vaccines, such as the belief that vaccination causes autism.

The Risks of Not Being Vaccinated

There are a number of risks associated with not being vaccinated. The most serious risks are those that can lead to death or long-term disability, such as pneumonia, meningitis, and encephalitis. Other risks include ear infections, sinus infections, and bronchitis. While most people who contract these illnesses will recover without any long-term health effects, some will not be so lucky. In addition, some people who contract these illnesses will need to be hospitalized, which can be costly.

The other risk associated with not being vaccinated is that you can spread diseases to others. This is especially true if you are around young children or elderly adults, who are more susceptible to complications from these illnesses. Additionally, if you are around pregnant women or women who are trying to become pregnant, you could put them at risk for complications. Therefore, it is important to think about not just your own health but also the health of those around you when deciding whether or not to get vaccinated.

The Benefits of Being Vaccinated

Vaccines are one of the most important tools we have to protect ourselves and our loved ones from serious diseases. They work by protecting us from the harmful effects of viruses, bacteria, and other organisms that can cause disease.

Most people who get vaccinated don’t experience any serious side effects. The risks associated with not being vaccinated, however, are much greater. Diseases like measles and polio can have devastating consequences, especially for young children.

The NFL provides its players with a variety of vaccinations to help protect them from serious illnesses. While some players choose not to be vaccinated, the vast majority do receive the recommended vaccines.


In conclusion, it is unknown how many NFL players are not vaccinated. The NFL has not released any information on this topic and it is difficult to estimate based on the limited data available. However, given the high level of public interest in this topic, it is likely that more information will be released in the future.

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