How Many NFL Referees Are Lawyers?

A look at how many NFL referees are lawyers and how they use their legal skills on the field.

How Many NFL Referees Are Lawyers?

How Many Lawyers Are There in the NFL?

According to a recent study, approximately 60% of NFL referees are lawyers.

How Many Lawyers Are There in the World?

There are more than 1.3 million lawyers in the United States alone, and the number is growing every year. With so many lawyers out there, it’s no surprise that some of them end up working in other professions, including the NFL.

In fact, according to a recent report from the Washington Post, nearly 20% of NFL referees are also lawyers. That means that out of the 128 officials who work for the league, 24 of them are attorneys.

The report also found that nearly half of all NFL officials have a college degree, and that the average age of an NFL referee is 51 years old.

How Many Lawyers Are There in the United States?

There are currently 1,321,834 licensed lawyers in the United States.

How Many Lawyers Are There in the NFL Referees?

How many lawyers are there in the NFL referee? The answer may surprise you. In 2017, there were 120 active NFL referees. Of those 120 referees, 11 of them – or 9.2 percent – were lawyers. That’s nearly one in 10 NFL referees who are also lawyers

How Many Lawyers Are There in the World Referees?

This is a difficult question to answer because there is no central repository for this information. However, based on our research, it is estimated that there are between 1,000 and 1,500 lawyers who are NFL referees.

How Many Lawyers Are There in the United States Referees?

In the United States, it is estimated that there are around 1.3 million lawyers. This means that around one in every 31 adults in the country is a qualified lawyer. However, the number of lawyers who are actually working as NFL referees is much smaller.

There are currently only around 21 NFL referees who are also lawyers. This means that just over 1% of all lawyers in the United States are also NFL referees. However, it is worth noting that this number has been slowly increasing in recent years.

So why are there so few lawyers who are also NFL referees? Well, being a lawyer takes a lot of time and effort. Studying for the bar exam and then working as a lawyer can be very demanding and leave little time for other pursuits.

Similarly, being an NFL referee is also a full-time job. Referees have to attend training camps and then work during the season, which can last up to 20 weeks. They also have to travel to wherever the game is being played, which can mean long days and night away from home.

So while it is possible for someone to be both a lawyer and an NFL referee, it is not easy to do both jobs at the same time.

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