How Many People Watch Nba Finals?

How Many People Watch Nba Finals?
The answer may surprise you.

How many people watch the NBA Finals?

Interest in the NBA Finals has declined sharply in recent years, with the average rating for the past five years falling by more than 20%. The 2019 NBA Finals had an average rating of 6.2, down from 8.0 in 2016. The 2018 NBA Finals had an average rating of 7.5, down from 9.1 in 2015. The 2017 NBA Finals had an average rating of 8.0, down from 11.2 in 2014.

The sharp decline in ratings is likely due to a number of factors, including the increase in cord-cutting, the advent of streaming services like Netflix and Hulu, and the growing popularity of other sports leagues like the NFL and MLB.

How has this number changed over time?

The number of people who watch the NBA Finals has fluctuated over time. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people who watch the Finals. In 2015, an average of 15.5 million people watched the Finals. This number increased to 18.0 million in 2016 and 20.4 million in 2017.

What factors influence how many people watch the NBA Finals?

There are a variety of factors that can influence how many people watch the NBA Finals. Some of these factors include the teams that are playing, the location of the Finals, and the time of year that the Finals are taking place. Additionally, socio-economic factors such as income and education level can also play a role in how many people tune in to watch the NBA Finals.

How does this compare to other major sporting events?

In recent years, the NBA Finals have averaged about 20 million viewers per game. This is about on par with the MLB World Series and well ahead of the NHL Stanley Cup Finals, which average around 5 million viewers per game. However, it falls far behind the NFL Super Bowl, which typically pulls in over 100 million viewers.

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