How Many People Watch The Nfl Draft?

How Many People Watch The Nfl Draft?

The NFL Draft is one of the most popular events in American sports. Millions of people tune in to watch the best young football players in the country get drafted by their favorite teams. But just how many people actually watch the NFL Draft?


During the NFL Draft, an estimated 45.4 million people tune in to watch NFL prospects get drafted by their new teams. The first round of the draft alone averages 6.79 million viewers.

How many people watch the NFL draft?

The NFL draft is one of the most highly anticipated events of the year for football fans. It is a time when the future of the sport is decided, and fans get to see which players their team will be adding to its roster. The draft is also a time for fans to come together and celebrate their love for the game. So, how many people actually watch the NFL draft?

Television ratings

Television ratings for the NFL draft have been on the decline in recent years. In 2016, the NFL draft had an average of 8.0 million viewers across all rounds, down from 9.9 million in 2015 and 11.3 million in 2014. The first round of the 2016 draft was watched by an average of 6.1 million viewers, down from 8.3 million in 2015 and 9.9 million in 2014.

Live attendance

The NFL Draft is one of the most popular events in American sports. In 2019, the live attendance for the NFL Draft was more than 600,000 people. The NFL Draft is also one of the most watched events on television. In 2019, more than 45 million people watched the NFL Draft on television.

Why do people watch the NFL draft?

The NFL draft is where people can watch their favorite team’s select the best college football players to join their team. The draft is also a time for people to learn more about the game of football and the different teams.

To support their team

For many fans, the NFL Draft is the most exciting time of the year. After a long offseason, they finally get to see which players their team will be adding to its roster. And with the draft being held over three days and featuring seven rounds, there is plenty of drama to keep fans hooked.

To see who their team will pick

People watch the NFL draft for a variety of reasons. Some people watch to see who their team will pick, while others watch to see which players will be drafted in general. Some people also like to follow the draft to see how their favorite team is doing, or to see how their rival team is doing.

To see who the best players are

There are many reasons why people watch the NFL draft. Some people watch it to see who the best players are, while others watch it for entertainment value. Some people also watch it to see which teams are making the best choices for their future.


In conclusion, it is evident that the NFL Draft is a widely watched event that has a large viewership. The NFL Draft has been growing in popularity over the years and it is clear that more people are tuning in to watch it.

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